Constitutional Development of India - Indian Polity Objective Questions and Answers | Page-7

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61 Under which Article of the Constitution is the President’s Rule introduced in a State due to the failure of the constitutional machinery ?
A 352
B 356
C 360
D 350

Answer: Option [B]

The correct answer is 356. Under Article 356 of the Constitution of India, if a state government is unable to function according to Constitutional provisions, the Union government can take direct control of the state machinery.

62 Who said that “Oh! Disrespectable democracy! I love you” ?
A G.B. Shaw
B Lord Bryce
C Carpenter
D Appa Doral

Answer: Option [A]

The correct answer is G.B. Shaw. These were the famous words of George Bernard Shaw who was an Irish playwright and a co-founder of the London School of Economics. Shaw asserted that each social class strove to serve its own ends, and that the upper and middle classes won in the struggle while the working class lost.

63 The final authority to interpret our Constitution is the
A President
B Parliament
C Prime Minister
D Supreme Court

Answer: Option [D]

The final authority to interpret our Constitution is the Supreme Court. The most powerful authority to interpret our Constitution is the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court of India is the most noteworthy legal meeting and last court of a request under the Constitution of India, the highest position among courts, with the privilege of judicial review.

64 A secular State is one which:
A Is irreligious
B Is anti-religion
C Has no religion of its own
D Takes into consideration the religious sentiments of the people

Answer: Option [C]

A secular State is one which has no religion of its own. A secular state is one in which the state does not officially promote any one religion as the state religion. Since India doesn't promote any state religion, it is a secular state.

65 The Parliament can legislate on subjects given in the Union List only in consultation with the State Government for the State of:
A Assam
B Rajasthan
C Kerala
D Jammu & Kashmir

Answer: Option [D]

The Parliament can legislate on subjects given in the Union List only in consultation with the State Government for the State of Jammu & Kashmir.

66 What is the colour of the “Dharma Chakra” in the middle of our national flag ?
A Black
B Green
C Navy blue
D Sea blue

Answer: Option [C]

The correct answer is Navy blue. The National flag of India is a horizontal tricolor of deep saffron (kesari) at the top, white in the middle and dark green at the bottom in equal proportion. The ratio of width of the flag to its length is two to three. In the centre of the white band is a navy blue wheel which represents the chakra.

67 The Constitution of India describes the country as a
A Federation
B Union of States
C Confederation
D Unitary State

Answer: Option [B]

The Constitution of India describes the country as a Union of States. India, also known as Bharat, is a Union of States. It is a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic with a parliamentary system of government.

68 The seventy third Amendment Act, 1992 of the Indian Constitution was passed to
A Strengthen Panchayti Raj
B Strengthen urban institution
C Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
D None of the above

Answer: Option [A]

The seventy third Amendment Act, 1992 of the Indian Constitution was passed to strengthen Panchayti Raj. The Constitution (73rd Amendment) Act, 1992 has added a new part IX consisting of 16 Articles and the Eleventh Schedule to the Constitution. The 73th Amendment envisages the Gram Sabha as the foundation of the Panchayat Raj System to perform functions and powers entrusted to it by the State Legislatures.

69 Indian Constitution has divided the powers and function of the state into
A Two lists
B Three lists
C Four lists
D Five lists

Answer: Option [B]

Indian Constitution has divided the powers and function of the state into three lists.

There are three lists of the division of powers in Indian Constitution under Article 246, seventh schedule:-

  • Union List
  • State List
  • Concurrent List
70 The concept of Constitution first originated in
A Japan
B U.S.A.
C Britain
D Switzerland

Answer: Option [C]

The concept of Constitution first originated in Britain. Concept of constitution first originated in Britain which has unwritten constitution. England's Parliament, often called "Mother of parliaments" has existed for over seven centuries and founding document of its constitution is considered as Magna Carta signed by King John in 1215.

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