Union and State Executive - Indian Politics General Knowledge Questions and Answers | Page-4

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31 In Indian Parliament, a bill may be sent to a select committee
A After the first reading
B After the second reading
C After general discussion during second reading
D At any stage at the discretion of the Speaker

Answer: Option [D]

In Indian Parliament, a bill may be sent to a select committee at any stage at the discretion of the Speaker.

32 Which is the source of political power in India?
A We, the People
B The Constitution
C The Parliament
D The Parliament and the State Legislatives

Answer: Option [A]

The source of political power in India is We, the People.

33 If the Election Commission is satisfied that a candidate has failed to lodge an account of election expenses, within the prescribed time and in the manner, for no good reason or justification, what is the period for which the EC can disqualify him to be a member or from continuing to be a member of the elected office from the date of the order?
A 2 years
B 3 years
C 4 years
D 5 years

Answer: Option [B]

The correct answer is 3 years.

34 The salaries and allowances payable to the Members of the Parliament are decided by the
A Parliament
B President
C Cabinet
D Finance Commission

Answer: Option [A]

The salaries and allowances payable to the Members of the Parliament are decided by the Parliament. As per provisions of Article-106, members of either house of Parliament are entitled to receive such salaries and allowances as Parliament may by law determine from time to time.

35 The authority to prorogue the two Houses of the Parliament rests with the
A Speaker
B Prime Minster
C Vice- President
D President

Answer: Option [D]

The authority to prorogue the two Houses of the Parliament rests with the President. The President has the power to summon and prorogue either House of Parliament or to dissolve Lok Sabha.

36 Judges of the Supreme Court and High Court can be removed by
A Parliament
B The President
C Union Council of Ministers
D Chief Justice of the Supreme court

Answer: Option [B]

Judges of the Supreme Court and High Court can be removed by the President. A Judge of the Supreme Court cannot be removed from office except by an order of the President passed after an address in each House of Parliament supported by a majority of the total membership of that House and by a majority of not less than two-thirds of members present and voting, and presented to the President in the same Session for such removal on the ground of proved misbehaviour or incapacity.

37 Who is the competent to dissolve the Parliament?
A The President
B By resolution in both Houses of Parliament
C The Cabinet with the concurrence of the Leader of the Opposition
D None of these

Answer: Option [A]

The correct answer is the President. The President has the power to summon and prorogue either House of Parliament or to dissolve Lok Sabha. When the term, dissolution of Parliament is used, it only means the Lok Sabha, the House of the People, the Lower House of Parliament.

38 The Secretary General of the Lok Sabha is the Chief of its Secretariat and is:
A Appointed by the President
B Elected by the Lok Sabha
C Appointed by the Speaker
D Elected by both Houses of Parliament

Answer: Option [C]

The Secretary General of the Lok Sabha is the Chief of its Secretariat and is appointed by the Speaker. The Secretary General of the Lok Sabha is the administrative head of the Lok Sabha Secretariat. The secretary general is appointed by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha.

39 To which of the following Bills the President must accord his sanction without sending it back for fresh consideration?
A Money Bills
B Ordinary Bills
C Bill seeking amendment to the Constitution
D Bills passed by both Houses of the Parliament

Answer: Option [A]

The correct answer is Money Bills. A finance or money bill can only be introduced in parliament with prior permission by the President of India. Money bill cannot be returned by the President to the parliament for its reconsideration, as it is presented in the Lok Sabha with his permission.

40 What is the period of appointment of the Comptroller and Auditor – General of India?
A 6 years
B Up to 65 years of age
C Up to 64 years of age
D 6 years or 65 years of age whichever is earlier

Answer: Option [D]

The correct answer is 6 years or 65 years of age whichever is earlier. The CAG vacates the office on attaining the age of 65 years or 6-year term, whichever is earlier or by impeachment proceedings.


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