Animal Kingdom MCQs | Short Questions and Answers on Animal Kingdom

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1 Cnidaria is characterized by
A Tissue level of organization
B Nematoblasts
C Coelenteron
D All

2 Notochord occurs throughout life and all through the length of the body in
A Cephalochordata
B Hemichordata
C Urochordata
D Vertebrata

Answer: Cephalochordata
3 Periplaneta belongs to which phylum?
A Mollusca
B Arthropoda
C Annelida
D Echinodermata

Answer: Arthropoda
4 Which of the following characters is not typical to class Mammalia?
A Alveolar lungs
B Seven cervical vertebrae
C Thecodont dentition
D Ten pairs of cranial nerves

Answer:Ten pairs of cranial nerves
5 Radial symmetry is found in
A Coelenterata and Platyhelminthes
B Coelenterata and Echinodermata
C Arthropoda and Mollusca
D Porifera and Coelenterata

Answer: Coelenterata and Echinodermata
6 Salamander belongs to the class:
A Aves
B Reptiles
C Pisces
D Amphibian

Answer: Amphibian
7 Vertebrates and tunicates share
A Jaws adapted for feeding
B A high degree of cephalisation
C A notochord and a dorsal, hollow nerve cord
D The formation of structures from the neural crest

Answer: A notochord and a dorsal, hollow nerve cord
8 The water vascular system of echinoderms
A Functions as a circulatory system that distributes nutrients to body cells
B Functions in locomotion, feeding, and gas exchange
C Is bilateral in organization, even through the adult animal is not bilateral symmetrical
D Moves water through the animal body during suspension feeding

Answer:Functions in locomotion, feeding, and gas exchange
9 Acoelomates are characterized by
A The absence of brain
B The absence of mesoderm
C A solid body without a cavity surrounding internal organs
D A coelom that is not completely lined with mesoderm

Answer:A solid body without a cavity surrounding internal organs
10 Which of the following characteristic is probably most responsible for the great diversification of insects on land?
A Segmentation
B Antennae
C Bilateral symmetry
D Exoskeleton

Answer: Exoskeleton
11 Mammals and living birds share all of the following characteristics except
A Endothermy
B Descent from a common amniotic ancestor
C A dorsal, hollow nerve cord
D An archosaur common ancestor

Answer: Malvaceae
12 Most marsupial and all monotreme species today, are found in:
A Australia
B Asia
C Europe
D Central and south America

Answer: Australia
13 Which of the following combination of phylum and description is incorrect?
A Echinodermata-bilateral symmetry as larva, coelom present
B Nematoda-roundworms, pseudocoelomate
C Platyhelminthes- flatworms, gastrovascular cavity, acoelomate
D Calcarea-gastrovascular cavity, coelom present

Answer: Calcarea-gastrovascular cavity, coelom present
14 A sponge can be distinguished from other animals by the presence of
A Hollow body
B coelenteron
C choanocytes
D dermal papillae

Answer: choanocytes
15 Animal of phylum Porifera are characterised by
A Diploblastic organisation
B canal system
C coelom
D coelenteron

Answer: canal system
16 Larva of sponge is known as
A planula larva
B trochophore larva
C glochidium larva
D amphiblastula larva

Answer:amphiblastula larva
17 Gemmules are helpful in
A digestion
B sexual reproduction
C Secretion of spicules
D Survival in drought

Answer:Survival in drought
18 Most of the sponges are
A solitary
B colonial
C fresh water forms
D cold water inhabitants

19 Choanocytes in sponges are present
A on the external body surface
B line the gastric cavity
C in the mesodermal layer
D located between the outer and inner layers

Answer: line the gastric cavity
20 Sycon belong to the class
A Calcarea
B porifera
C Desmospongia
D Hexactinellida

Answer: Calcarea
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