Biochemistry Quiz | Biochemistry Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Sports GK Questions and Answers 2024 (Latest Updated)

Awards & Honours GK Questions 2024 (Latest Updated)

1 A 45-year-old solicitor had an onset of severe, crushing, substernal chest pain while attending a football match. He collapsed on his way to the car. Bystander Cardiorespiratory Resuscitation was begun immediately and continued until arrival in Casualty where an endotracheal tube was inserted and ventilation was maintained on 100% oxygen. Investigations revealed: pH 7.13 PaO2 560 mmHg PaCO2 18 mmHg Bicarbonate 5.8 SaO2 98% Based on these laboratory values, which of the following statements best describes his current pathophysiology?
A He is demonstrating a primary respiratory alkalosis
B He probably developed a large right to left intracardiac shunt
C His anion gap is probably normal
D His pulmonary artery pressure is probably elevated

Answer: His pulmonary artery pressure is probably elevated
2 A young child presents with respiratory distress, worsening over 2 days. Blood gases show a pH of 7.25, a PCO2 of 7.5kPa, a PO2 of 8.5kPa, and a base excess of -4. Which of the following interpretations is correct?
A Results are consistent with bronchopulmonary dysplasia.
B Blood gases suggest type 1 respiratory failure.
C Immediate intubation is required.
D Results are consistent with late severe asthma.

Answer: Results are consistent with late severe asthma.
3 Which of the following concerning the pH of urine is correct?
A is a useful indicator of the acid/base balance of the blood
B rises on a vegetarian diet
C is determined by the concentration of ammonium
D is lower than 5.5 in renal tubular acidosis

Answer: rises on a vegetarian diet
4 A 15-year-old girl was seen by her family physician because of increasing lethargy. She had a recent history of the "flu". Biochemistry tests show that she has renal impairement. serum sodium 140 mmol/L (137 - 144) serum potassium 4.2 mmol/L (3.5 - 4.9) serum urea 28 mol/L (2.5 - 7.5) serum creatinine 280 µmol/L (60 - 110) Her condition does not improve after several weeks on corticosteroid therapy, so a renal biopsy is performed. The biopsy demonstrates the presence of segmental sclerosis of 3 of 10 glomeruli identified in the biopsy specimen. Immunofluorescence studies and electron microscopy do not reveal evidence for immune deposits. What is the most appropriate advice to give regarding her condition?
A She has an underlying malignancy
B She may require a renal transplant in 10 years
C She will improve if she loses weight
D She will likely develop a restrictive lung disease

Answer: She may require a renal transplant in 10 years
5 A 75 year old man presents with a long history of shortness of breath and ankle oedema. His serum biochemistry shows sodium 122 mmols/l and potassium of 2.9 mmols/l. He now complains of weakness.Which of the following is likely to explain the above biochemical picture?
A Addison's Disease
B Nephrotic syndrome
C Primary hyperaldosteronism
D Diuretic therapy

Answer: Diuretic therapy
6 Which ONE of the following is true concerning Antidiuretic hormone(ADH)?
A Carbamazepine potentiates it's release
B Ethanol potentiates it's release
C It circulates in the blood bound to neurohypophysin
D It is a cyclic octapeptide

Answer: Carbamazepine potentiates it's release
7 With respect to lipoprotein transport and metabolism in the body, the following statements are correct EXCEPT:
A Arterial walls contain cells with LDL receptors.
B Cholesterol is required for the formation of red blood cell membranes.
C Chylomicrons are synthesized in the liver.
D HDL is assembled in the extracellular space.

Answer: Chylomicrons are synthesized in the liver.
8 Which of the following is true of Gilbert's syndrome?
A inheritance is autosomal recessive
B serum conjugated bilirubin levels are elevated
C serum bilirubin levels are decreased by fasting
D serum bilirubin levels are decreased by liver enzyme inducers

Answer: serum bilirubin levels are decreased by liver enzyme inducers
9 Which of the following is activated by Cholera toxin?
A Adenylate cyclase
B Guanlyate cyclase
C Peroxisome proliferator receptor (PPAR) gamma
D Sodium/potassium ATPase

Answer: Adenylate cyclase
10 Gaucher's Disease is associated with the deficiency of :
A Hexosaminidase A
B Sphingomyelinase
C Arylsulphatase-A
D B- Glucosidase

Answer: B- Glucosidase
11 A 55 year-old female complaining of vague tiredness is found to have a serum corrected calcium concentration of 2.9 mmol/l. Examination was unremarkable. Which of the following results confirms the suspected diagnosis of primary hyperparathyroidism?
A High normal 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D concentration
B High normal 24 hour urinary calcium concentration
C High normal plasma parathyroid hormone concentration
D Low normal plasma phosphate concentration

Answer: High normal plasma parathyroid hormone concentration
12 Low uptake of 123I on the thyroid uptake scan would be an expected finding in:
A A solitary toxic nodule
B A multi-nodular toxic goitre
C Amiodarone induced thyrotoxicosis type 1
D DeQuervain's thyroiditis

Answer: DeQuervain's thyroiditis
13 Serum biochemistry of a 60 year old man revealed calcium of 1.98 mmol/l and phosphate of 0.55 mmol/l with an alkaline phosphatase of 450 IU/l.Which among the following mosts suits with the above serum biochemistry?
A Osteoporosis
B Osteomalacia
C Pagets Disease
D Secondary Hyperparathyroidism

Answer: Osteomalacia
14 Leukotrienes:
A Are formed from the cyclooxygenase pathway
B Are synthesized by fibroblasts
C Decrease vascular permeability
D Stimulate mucus secretion

Answer: Stimulate mucus secretion
15 In which of the following is mental retardation an expected finding?
A Alkaptonuria
B Cystinuria
C Glycogen storage disease
D Maple syrup urine disease

Answer: Maple syrup urine disease
16 Which one of the following is a feature of the VIPoma syndrome?
A Alkalosis
B Hypoglycaemia
C Hypokalaemia
D Increased gastric acid seceretion

Answer: Hypokalaemia
17 Which of the following is a characteristic feature of familial hypercholesterolaemia?
A Autosomal dominant inheritance
B elevated chylomicrons
C hypertriglyceridaemia
D increased expression of LDL receptors

Answer: Autosomal dominant inheritance
18 Which of the following statements concerning abnormalities of the haemoglobin molecule is true?
A Alpha thalassaemia is due to a deficiency of beta-chain production
B HbS is caused by a single base mutation on the beta-chain
C genes for the alpha and beta chains are located on the same chromosome
D in thalassaemia persistance of HbF is an adverse prognostic sign

Answer: HbS is caused by a single base mutation on the beta-chain
19 A 16 year old male with a day history of malaise, weakness and vomiting. He was diagnosed with Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus 3 years prviously. Which ONE of the following supports a diagnosis of diabetic ketoacidosis:
A Abdominal pain at onset
B A serum bicarbonate of 10 mmol/l
C A serum glucose 14 mmol/l
D Decreased appetite in the past few days

Answer: A serum bicarbonate of 10 mmol/l
20 Which of the following is true concerning a 68 year old male with type 2 diabetes diagnosed with type IV renal tubal acidosis?
A Aminoaciduria would be expected.
B Fludrocortisone treatment is effective
C Increased Glomerular filtration rate is expected.
D Increased urinary bicarbonate would be expected.

Answer: Fludrocortisone treatment is effective
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