Bioenergetics Quiz | Bioenergetics Objective Type Questions & Answers

Sports GK Questions and Answers 2024 (Latest Updated)

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21 Thylakoids in chloroplasts are stacked into
A Grana
B Stroma
C Nucleus
D None of these

Answer: Grana
22 Light reaction takes place on/in
A Thylakoid
B Storma
C Chloroplast
D Grana

Answer: Grana
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23 Which is the correct order of energy transfer from assessory pigments to main photosynthetic pigment?
A Carotenoids ? Chlorophyll a ? Chlorophyll
B Chlorophyll b ? Carotenoids ? Chlorophyll a.
C Carotenoids ? Chlorophyll b ? Chlorophyll a.
D Chlorophyll a ? Chlorophyll b ? Carotenoids.

Answer: Carotenoids ? Chlorophyll b ? Chlorophyll a.
24 Which of the following pigment is Blue- green in colour:
A Chlorophyll a
B Chlorophyll b.
C Chlorophyll c
D Chlorophyll d.

Answer: Chlorophyll a
25 Molecular formula of chlorophyll 'a' molecule is:
A C55H72O5N4Mg
B C55H70O6N4Mg
C C50H72O6N4Mg
D C55H70O5N4Mg

Answer: C55H72O5N4Mg
26 Which of the following statement about the head of a chlorophyll molecule is incorrect:
A It is a porphyrin ring or tetrapyrrole ring structure
B It is flat, square and light absorbing
C Composed of carbon and nitrogen atoms with Magnesium as central metal ion, which is coordinated with nitrogen.
D It is hydrophobic

Answer: It is hydrophobic
27 Chlorophyll is insoluble in:
A Carbon tetrachloride
B Alcohol
C Organic solvents
D Water

Answer: Water
28 Which of the light is mainly absorbed by the plants:
A Orange
B Red
C Green
D Both A and B

Answer: Both A and B
29 Which of the following light is least absorbed by the plants:
A Orange
B Red
C Blue
D Green

Answer: Green
30 Visible light used in photosynthesis ranges from:
A 300 - 700 nm in wavelength
B 350 - 750 nm in wavelength
C 380 - 750 nm in wavelength
D 390 - 790 nm in wavelength.

Answer: 380 - 750 nm in wavelength
31 Van neil hypothesis about the production of oxygen during phosynthesis was based on the study and investigations on
A Bacteria
B Algae
C Protenema
D Cyanobacteria

Answer: Bacteria
32 The point at which there is no net exchange of gases between leaves and atmosphere is known as
A Neutral point
B Compensation point
C Parallel point
D Competitive point

Answer: Compensation point
33 Net yield of H2O in Photosynthesis is
A 1 molecule
B 6 molecules
C 3 molecules
D 0 molecule

Answer: 0 molecule
34 Of the following which one is not an energy releasing process?
A Glycolysis
B Respiration
C Photosynthesis
D Kreb's cycle

Answer: Photosynthesis
35 The organisms able to use sunlight directly as a source of energy are
A Plants
B Animals
C Omnivores
D Fungi

Answer: Plants
36 Quantitative study of energy relationships in biological systems obeys.
A Bioenergetics
B Laws of thermodynamics
C Laws of thermo chemistry
D Laws of chemical energetic

Answer: Laws of thermodynamics
37 Which of the following is a compensation point:
A Leaves respire and utilize O2 and release CO2.
B Photosynthesis and respiration occur at same rate. So there is not net exchange of gases between atmosphere and plants.
C Rate of photosynthesis increases, so do the O2 production, with a net release of oxygen coupled with the uptake of CO2.
D Rate of respiration becomes more than rate of photosynthesis.

Answer: Photosynthesis and respiration occur at same rate. So there is not net exchange of gases between atmosphere and plants.
38 At which times there is no net gaseous exchange between leaves and the atmosphere.
A Day time.
B Night time.
C Dawn & Dusk.
D Mid night.

Answer: Dawn & Dusk.
39 C6H12O6 + 6O2 ? 6CO2 + 6H20 + ENERGY represents:
A Photosynthesis
B Aerobic respiration
C Anaerobic respiration
D Respiration

Answer: Aerobic respiration
40 Photosynthesis is process in which ________ compounds of carbon (CO2) and hydrogen (H2O) are reduced to carbohydrate like (glucose) using light energy.
A Organic
B Energy rich
C Energy poor
D Reduced

Answer: Energy poor
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