Chi Square Test Quiz | Chi Square Test Objective Type Questions and Answers

Sports GK Questions and Answers 2024 (Latest Updated)

Awards & Honours GK Questions 2024 (Latest Updated)

21 A television enthusiast would like to know if the set of network television shows that were nominated for an Emmy were equally likely to have come from ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX. What test asks whether the number of nominations from each network are consistent with a population distribution in which ¼ of the nominations were from each network.
A two-sample t-test for a difference in means
B one-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA)
C two-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA)
D chi-square (Χ2) test for goodness-of-fit

Answer: chi-square (Χ2) test for goodness-of-fit
22 Which does not happen as sample size (n) increases and as population or sample variance (σ2 or s2) decreases (assuming all else stays the same)?
A the sample statistics that we would expect to observe by random chance become more clustered together
B sample statistics become better estimates of population parameters
C test statistics corresponding to our sample data (e.g., t, F, Χ2) increase
D confidence intervals become wider

Answer: confidence intervals become wider
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23 Which comparison of variability is accurate?
A means of sets of observations are less variable than the individual observations
B sums (totals) of sets of observations are less variable than the individual observations
C differences between two means are less variable than the individual means
D all of these comparisons are accurate

Answer: means of sets of observations are less variable than the individual observations
24 Simpson's Paradox occurs when
A No baseline risk is given, so it is not know whether or not a high relative risk has practical importance
B A confounding variable rather than the explanatory variable is responsible for a change in the response variable
C The direction of the relationship between two variables changes when the categories of a confounding variable are taken into account
D None of the above

Answer: The direction of the relationship between two variables changes when the categories of a confounding variable are taken into account
25 A chi-square test involves a set of counts called “expected counts.” What are the expected counts?
A Hypothetical counts that would occur of the alternative hypothesis were true
B Hypothetical counts that would occur if the null hypothesis were true
C The actual counts that did occur in the observed data
D None of the above

Answer: Hypothetical counts that would occur if the null hypothesis were true
26 A chi-square test of the relationship between personal perception of emotional health and marital status led to rejection of the null hypothesis, indicating that there is a relationship between these two variables. One conclusion that can be drawn is:
A Marriage leads to better emotional health
B Better emotional health leads to marriage
C The more emotionally healthy someone is, the more likely they are to be married
D There are likely to be confounding variables related to both emotional health and marital status

Answer: There are likely to be confounding variables related to both emotional health and marital status
27 Most of the women in this sample felt that their actual weight was
A about the same as their ideal weight
B less than their ideal weight
C greater than their ideal weight
D no more than 2 pounds different from their ideal weight

Answer: greater than their ideal weight
28 The median of the distribution is approximately
A −10 pounds
B 10 pounds
C 30 pounds
D 50 pounds

Answer: 10 pounds
29 The newspaper also reported that "The number of children in the study who contracted asthma was relatively small, 265 of 3,535." Which of the following is represented by 265/3535 = .075?
A The overall risk of getting asthma for the children in this study
B The baseline risk of getting asthma for the “non-athletic peers” in the study
C The risk of getting asthma for children in the study who participated in sports
D The relative risk of getting asthma for children who routinely participate in vigorous after-school sports on smoggy days and their non-athletic peers

Answer: The overall risk of getting asthma for the children in this study
30 Among people with age under 30 what are the odds that they always exceed the speed limit?
A 1 to 2
B 2 to 1
C 1 to 1
D 50%

Answer: 1 to 1
31 Of the following, which is the most important additional information that would be useful before making a decision about participation in school sports?
A Where was the study conducted?
B How many students in the study participated in after-school sports?
C What is the baseline risk for getting asthma?
D Who funded the study?

Answer: What is the baseline risk for getting asthma?
32 What is the relative risk of always exceeding the speed limit for people under 30 compared to people over 30?
A 2.5
B 0.4
C 0.5
D 30%

Answer: 2.5
33 Past data has shown that the regression line relating the final exam score and the midterm exam score for students who take statistics from a certain professor is: final exam = 50 + 0.5 × midterm One interpretation of the slope is
A a student who scored 0 on the midterm would be predicted to score 50 on the final exam
B a student who scored 0 on the final exam would be predicted to score 50 on the midterm exam
C a student who scored 10 points higher than another student on the midterm would be predicted to score 5 points higher than the other student on the final exam
D students only receive half as much credit (.5) for a correct answer on the final exam compared to a correct answer on the midterm exam

Answer: a student who scored 10 points higher than another student on the midterm would be predicted to score 5 points higher than the other student on the final exam
34 This is a randomized experiment rather than an observational study because:
A Blood pressure was measured at the beginning and end of the study
B The two groups were compared at the end of the study
C The participants were randomly assigned to either walk or read, rather than choosing their own activity
D A random sample of participants was used

Answer: The participants were randomly assigned to either walk or read, rather than choosing their own activity
35 Which of the following would be most likely to produce selection bias in a survey?
A Using questions with biased wording
B Only receiving responses from half of the people in the sample
C Conducting interviews by telephone instead of in person
D Using a random sample of students at a university to estimate the proportion of people who think the legal drinking age should be lowered

Answer: Using a random sample of students at a university to estimate the proportion of people who think the legal drinking age should be lowered
36 A polling agency conducted a survey of 100 doctors on the question “Are you willing to treat women patients with the recently approved pill RU-486”? The conservative margin of error associated with the 95% confidence interval for the percent who say 'yes' is
A 50%
B 10%
C 5%
D 2%

Answer: 10%
37 A list of 5 pulse rates is: 70, 64, 80, 74, 92. What is the median for this list?
A 74
B 76
C 77
D none of the above

Answer: 74
38 What is the effect of an outlier on the value of a correlation coefficient?
A An outlier will always decrease a correlation coefficient
B An outlier will always increase a correlation coefficient
C An outlier might either decrease or increase a correlation coefficient, depending on where it is in relation to the other points
D None of the above

Answer: An outlier might either decrease or increase a correlation coefficient, depending on where it is in relation to the other points
39 One use of a regression line is
A to determine if any x-values are outliers
B to determine if any y-values are outliers
C to determine if a change in x causes a change in y
D to estimate the change in y for a one-unit change in x

Answer: to estimate the change in y for a one-unit change in x
40 Pick the choice that best completes the following sentence. If a relationship between two variables is called statistically significant, it means the investigators think the variables are
A related in the population represented by the sample
B not related in the population represented by the sample
C related in the sample due to chance alone
D very important

Answer: related in the population represented by the sample
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