English Literature Quiz | English Literature Objective Type Questions and Answers

Sports GK Questions and Answers 2024 (Latest Updated)

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21 Who say, “Of all his women, Imogen is most perfect"?
A Eliot
B Lamb
C Mrs. Jameson
D Ruskin

Answer: Mrs. Jameson
22 Who is of the view that Chaucer is not as great as the classicists?
A Johnson
B Sydney
C Arnold
D None of these

Answer: Arnold
23 The fall of Constantinople to the Turks took place in the year-
A 1535
B 1485
C 1453
D 1455

Answer: 1453
24 Out of 154 sonnets, 126 of Shakespeare’s sonnets are addressed to - (a) Dark Lady (b) (c) Queen Elizabeth (d) Lady Penlope
A Mr. W.H
B P. Lal
C Vikram Seth
D none of the mentioned

Answer: Mr. W.H
25 Who first used the blank-verse ?
A Thomas Heywood
B Thomas Middleton
C Surrey
D William Shakespeare

Answer: Surrey
26 The word ‘renaissance’ seems to have been first in the book named as -
A Historie de France
B Paradise Lost
C Tottel’s Miscellany
D Utopia

Answer: Historie de France
27 What is ‘rhyme-royal’?
A A quatrain with the rhyme-scheme abab
B The ten-syllabic line arranged in seven-line stanza
C The eight-syllabic line rhyming in couplet
D The ten-syllabic line rhyming in couplet

Answer: The ten-syllabic line arranged in seven-line stanza
28 Who “found English a dialect and left it a language"?
A Sir Walter Scott
B Robert Southey
C Robert Burns
D Chaucer

Answer: Chaucer
29 Totus mundus agit historian means-
A World is coming
B All the world is a history
C All the world is a stage
D History is all world

Answer: All the world is a stage
30 Senecan plays were rendered into English by –
A T.W. Robertson
B Harley Granville-Barker
C John Galsworthy
D Heywood

Answer: Heywood
31 The term ‘Stream of Consciousness’ was first used by :
A Sigmund Freud
B James Joyce
C William James
D none of the mentioned

Answer: William James
12 “Frailty thy name is woman !” These lines occur in -
A Hamlet
B Professor Herford
C William Shakespeare
D William Wordsworth

Answer: Hamlet
33 The first English tragedy Gorboduc was later given the title ?
A Ferrex and Porrex
B Gammer Gurton’s Needle
C Corpus Christi
D Endymion

Answer: Ferrex and Porrex
34 What is meant by ‘Denouement’ ?-
A The ending of a comedy
B The ending of a Farce
C The ending of a romance
D The ending of a tragedy

Answer: The ending of a comedy
35 Who has published his essays under the title ‘The Round Table’ ?
A William Hazlitt
B Thomas De Quincey
C S. T. Cleridge
D None of the above

Answer: William Hazlitt
36 Who called the 18th century the age of Prose and Reason ? (a) Coleridge (b) (c) Dr. Johnson (d) William Hazlitt
A Mathew Arnold
B Thomas James Farrell
C Henry James
D None of the above is correct.

Answer: Mathew Arnold
37 In Keats’s Lamia, Lamia was a -
A A serpent-woman
B An enchantress
C A nymph
D A fairy

Answer: A serpent-woman
38 Mathew Arnold’s Culture and Anarchy deals with
A Civilization
B Theology
C Ethics
D Religion

Answer: Ethics
39 In Dickens’s novel, A Tale of Two Cities, the two cities referred to are -
A Paris and Rome
B Paris and Berlin
C London and Paris
D London and Athens

Answer: London and Paris
40 Wordsworth wrote a sonnet on :
A Milton
B Virginia Woolf
C H.G. Wells
D E.M. Forster

Answer: Milton
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