History of Physical Education Quiz | History of Physical Education Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

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1 The name of valve between left atrium and left ventricle is–
A Mitral valve
B Tricuspid valve
C Aortic valve
D Pulmonary valve

Answer: Mitral valve
2 Recreation Movement in India was started by–
A De Mellow
B H. C. Buck
C G. D. Sondhi
D Vaidya P.R.

Answer: G. D. Sondhi
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3 Geographical and climatic conditions should be considered when planning–
A Indoor activities
B Child activities
C Outdoor activities
D Old people activities

Answer: Outdoor activities
4 The duration of Russel-Launge Volleyball test is–
A 15 sec
B 30 sec
C 45 see
D 60 sec

Answer: 45 see
5 Supination and Pronation are the movements of–
A Carpal – Metacarpal Joints
B Radio – Ulnar Joint
C Tibia – Febula Joint
D Tarcel – Metatarcel Joint

Answer: Carpal – Metacarpal Joints
6 The Instrument to measure height is called–
A Stadiometer
B Goniometer
C Vernier caliper
D Dynamometer

Answer: Stadiometer
7 The amount of blood pumped by heart in one beat is called–
A Residual volume
B Stroke volume
C Tidal volume
D Blood volume

Answer: Stroke volume
8 Who is said to be the Father of Philosophy of Idealism?
A Socrates
B Plato
C Aristotle
D Galan

Answer: Socrates
9 A Physical Education Teacher now-a-days is essentially–
A An Instructor
B A Movement Educator
C A Drill Master
D All of the above

Answer: All of the above
10 Which of the following terms denotes the 'Toughening of body' as its major objectives?
A Physical culture
B Play
C Drill
D Physical training

Answer: Physical training
11 The most important factor in the organisation of recreation is–
A Materials
B Leadership
C Facilities
D Planning

Answer: Facilities
12 Which is the smallet bone in the human body?
A Pisiform
B Scaphoid
C Stapes
D Malleus

Answer: Stapes
13 Which is not a Primary Motive?
A Affection
B Hunger
C Sex
D Love

Answer: Affection
14 One deformity may lead to the development of another, knock knees may be caused as a result of–
A Flat foot
B Genu Legs
C Bow Legs
D Scoliosis

Answer: Bow Legs
15 In the Childhood, individual's behaviour is mostly influenced by–
A Community
B School
C Peer Group
D Family

Answer: Family
16 In which activity Lactic acid system activated?
A 400 mts
B 10,000 mts
C 100 mts
D 20 km walk

Answer: 100 mts
17 One of the following is an excellent example of Condyloid Joint–
A Wrist Joint
B Shoulder Joint
C Hip Joint
D Neck Joint

Answer: Wrist Joint
18 Schiller and Spancer are associated with one of the following theories of play–
A Anticipation
B Recapitulation
C Surplus energy
D Recreation

Answer: Recapitulation
19 The total number of officials required for a kho-kho match is–
A 6
B 2
C 5
D 3

Answer: 6
20 The 50th percentile is also known as–
A Mean
B Median
C Mode
D Standard Deviation

Answer: Mean
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