Learning in Psychology Quiz | Learning in Psychology Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Sports GK Questions and Answers 2024 (Latest Updated)

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1 In Operant conditioning procedure, the role of reinforcement is:
A Very insignificant
B Negligible
C Strikingly significant
D None of the above

Answer: Very insignificant
2 Current positive reinforcement requires the individual to imagine performing a particular task or behaviour followed by a:
A Positive Consequence
B Zero consequence
C Negative consequence
D Neutral consequence

Answer: Positive Consequence
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3 A very useful principle of learning is that a new response is strengthened by:
A Reinforcement
B Discriminative Stimulus
C Punishment
D Biofeedback

Answer: Reinforcement
4 The continuous reinforcement schedule is generally used:
A In the last part of training
B In early stages of training
C In the middle period of training
D In both last and first part of training

Answer: In early stages of training
5 Respondents are elicited and operants are not elicited but they are:
A Temporary responses
B Permanent responses
C Emitted spontaneously
D None of the above

Answer: Emitted spontaneously
6 Which schedule of reinforcement does not specify any fixed number, rather states the requirement in terms of an average?
A Variable Ratio Schedule
B Variable Interval Schedule
C Fixed Interval Schedule
D None of the above

Answer: Variable Ratio Schedule
7 Under conditions of variable ratio schedule, the only sensible way to obtain more rein-forcements is through emitting:
A Greater number of responses
B 50% responses
C Less number of responses
D 90% responses

Answer: Greater number of responses
8 In which schedule of reinforcement, the delay intervals vary as per a previously decided plan?
A Variable Interval Schedule
B Fixed Interval Schedule
C Fixed Ratio Schedule
D Variable Ratio Schedule

Answer: Variable Interval Schedule
9 In case of continuous reinforcement, we get the least resistance to extinction and the:
A 90% response rate during training
B Smallest response rate during training
C Highest response rate during training
D None of the above

Answer: Smallest response rate during training
10 Which type of learning tells us what to do with the world and applies to what is com-monly called habit formation?
A Classical Conditioning
B Instrumental Learning
C Insightful Learning
D Latent Learning

Answer: Instrumental Learning
11 Who said that any act is a movement but not vice versa?
A Guthrie
B C. Hull
C J.B. Watson
D E. L. Thorndike

Answer: Guthrie
12 According to Guthrie, forgetting is not a matter of decay of old impressions and associations but:
A A result of discrimination
B A result of disinhibitions of old connec¬tions
C A result of inhibition of old connections by new ones
D None of the above

Answer: A result of inhibition of old connections by new ones
13 According to Hullian theory, under the pressure of needs and drives, the organism undertakes:
A Transfer of training
B Learning by foresight
C Adaptive actions
D None of the above

Answer: Adaptive actions
14 Hull believes that no conditioning will take place unless there is:
A Secondary Reinforcement
B Need Reduction
C Food
D None of the above

Answer: Food
15 The hypothetico-deductive system in geo¬metry was developed by:
A E. C. Tolman
B Pieri
C I.P. Pavlov
D C. Hull

Answer: Pieri
16 Whenever behaviour is not correlated to any specific eliciting stimuli, it is:
A Operant Behaviour
B Modified Behaviour
C Respondent Behaviour
D None of the above

Answer: Operant Behaviour
17 According to Skinnerian theory, the “S” type of conditioning applies to:
A Respondent Behaviour
B Operant Behaviour
C Modified Behaviour
D None of the above

Answer: Respondent Behaviour
18 Who stated that appetites and aversions are “states of agitation”?
A E. C. Tolman
B Clark Hull
C E. L. Thorndike
D None of the above

Answer: E. C. Tolman
19 Dollard and Miller related Thorndike’s spread of effect to the:
A Principle of preparedness
B Biological constraints
C Gradient of reinforcement
D None of the above

Answer: Gradient of reinforcement
20 Miller and Dollard are more concerned with:
A Social factor in learning
B Personal factors in learning
C Biological factor in learning
D None of the above

Answer: Social factor in learning
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