Learning in Psychology Quiz | Learning in Psychology Objective Type Questions and Answers

Sports GK Questions and Answers 2024 (Latest Updated)

Awards & Honours GK Questions 2024 (Latest Updated)

21 Who revealed that “Field expectancy” takes place when one organism is repeatedly and successfully presented with a certain environ¬mental set-up?
A I.P. Pavlov
B E. L. Thorndike
C E. C. Tolman
D None of the above

Answer: E. C. Tolman
22 “Equivalence Belief’ is a connection between” a positively cathected type of dis¬turbance-object and a type of what may be called:
A A sub disturbance object
B A motivating object
C An interfering object
D None of the above

Answer: A sub disturbance object
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23 According to E. C. Tolman, there are two aversions: fright and pugnacity. Fright is avoidance of injury and pugnacity is avoidance of:
A Perception
B Motivation
C Interference
D None of the above

Answer: Interference
24 Who said that the ultimate goal of aversion is the state of physiological quiescence to be reached when the disturbing stimulus ceases to act upon the organism?
A Clark Hull
B E. C. Tolman
C E. L. Thorndike
D None of the above

Answer: E. C. Tolman
25 The sign-gestalt expectation represents a combination of:
A Intelligence and Learning
B Perception and Motivation
C Intelligence and Perception
D None of the above

Answer: Perception and Motivation
26 According to Tolman, docile or teachable behaviour is:
A Operant
B Molar
C Respondent
D None of the above

Answer: Molar
27 Whenever behaviour is correlated to specific eliciting stimuli, it is:
A Fixed Behaviour
B Operant Behaviour
C Respondent Behaviour
D Static Behaviour

Answer: Respondent Behaviour
28 The molar approach deals with the organism as a whole, the molecular approach:
A Deals with the detailed, fine and exact elements of action of the nervous system
B Has nothing to do with the organism
C Deals with parts
D Deals with responses

Answer: Deals with the detailed, fine and exact elements of action of the nervous system
29 Most of Hull’s explanations are stated in two languages, one of the empirical description and the other in:
A Neurophysiological terms
B Physical terms
C Psycho physiological terms
D None of the above

Answer: Neurophysiological terms
30 “Where a reaction (R) takes place in temporal contiguity with an afferent receptor impulse (S) resulting from the impact upon a receptor of a stimulus energy (S) and the conjunction is followed closely by the diminution in a need and the associated diminution in the drive, D, and in the drive receptor discharge, SD, there will result in increment, A (S →R), in the tendency for that stimulus on subsequent occasions to evoke that reaction”. Who has given the above definition of “reinforcement”?
A Clark L. Hull
B E. L. Thorndike
C W. Kohler
D None of the above

Answer: Clark L. Hull
31 Who defined stimulus (S) in terms of physical energy such as mechanical pressure, sound, light etc.?
A Clark Hull
B E. C. Tolman
C J.B. Watson
D E. L. Thorndike

Answer: Clark Hull
32 Who defined “Need” as a state of the organism in which a deviation of the organism from the optimum of biological conditions necessary for survival takes place?
A Clark H. Hull
B I.P. Pavlov
C E.L Thorndike
D None of the above

Answer: Clark H. Hull
33 The great learning theorist, Clark Hull was influenced by the moderate wing of:
A Logical Positivism and by conven¬tionalism
B Psychoanalytic Literature
C Gestalt Psychology
D None of the above

Answer: Logical Positivism and by conven¬tionalism
34 Guthrie believed that conditioning should take place:
A After ten trials
B After a single trial
C After two trials
D None of the above

Answer: After a single trial
35 Who propounded the expectancy theory of learning?
A Tolman
B I. P. Pavlov
C Guthrie
D C. Hull

Answer: Tolman
36 In our daily life, any kind of looking for things which occur without any reference to our behaviour may illustrate the application of:
A Fixed interval Schedule
B Fixed Ratio
C Variable Interval Schedule
D None of the above

Answer: Variable Interval Schedule
37 In our daily life, watching for the pot of milk to boil may be somewhat similar to the behaviour pattern observed in:
A Fixed Ratio Schedule
B Variable Interval Schedule
C Fixed Interval Schedule
D None of the above

Answer: Fixed Interval Schedule
38 In which schedule of reinforcement, the experimenter (E) reinforces the first correct response after a given length of dine?
A Fixed Interval Schedule
B Variable Interval Schedule
C Fixed Ratio Schedule
D None of the above

Answer: Fixed Interval Schedule
39 As a rule, variable ratio schedule (VR) arrangements sustain:
A High rates of responding
B Zero responding
C Low rates of responding
D None of the above

Answer: High rates of responding
40 In which schedule of reinforcement, appro¬priate movements are reinforced after varying number of responses?
A Variable ratio Schedule
B Variable Interval Schedule
C Fixed Ratio Schedule
D None of the above

Answer: Variable ratio Schedule
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