Locomotion and Movement Quiz | Locomotion and Movement Objective Type Questions and Answers

Sports GK Questions and Answers 2024 (Latest Updated)

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21 Comminuted fracture are those in which
A A bone breaks into many pieces and some of the pieces are without blood circulation
B A bone breaks into two parts
C A bone breaks into many parts
D A small piece of bone breaks

Answer: A bone breaks into many pieces and some of the pieces are without blood circulation
22 Two halves of pectoral girdle fuse in
A Lateral sides
B Mid-dorsal sides
C Mid-ventral line
D Both dorsal and ventral lines

Answer: Mid-ventral line
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23 Human vertebral formula is
A C4T8L4S8C8
B C7T8L5S6C7
C C7T12L5S4C5
D C7T12L5S5C4

Answer: C7T12L5S5C4
24 The floating ribs are
A 11 and 12
B 9 and 10
C 7 and 8
D All of these

Answer: 11 and 12
25 Long neck of camel or Giraffe has
A Numerous cervical vertebrae
B Development of extra large intervertebral pads
C Longer vertebrae
D All of these

Answer: Longer vertebrae
26 Phalangeal/digital formula for human hand/foot is
A 0,2,2,3,3
B 0,2,3,3,3
C 2,3,3,3,3
D None Of The Above

Answer: 2,3,3,3,3
27 The bones common to face and cranium are
A Parietal
B Frontal
C Temporal
D None Of The Above

Answer: Frontal
28 Clavicle is a constituent of
A Pectoral girdle
B Fore limbs
C Hind limbs
D Pelvic girdle

Answer: Pectoral girdle
29 Gorilla rib is
A Extra floating rib
B Extra false rib
C Extra true rib
D First false rib

Answer: Extra floating rib
30 Skull of rabbit/Man is
A Monocondylic
B Dicondylic
C Tricondylic
D Tetracondylic

Answer: Dicondylic
31 Which one is bone of fore limb
A Humerus
B Femur
C Tibia
D Fibula

Answer: Humerus
32 A cup shaped cavity for articulation of femur head is
A Acetabulum
B Glenoid cavity
C Sigmoid notch
D None of the above

Answer: Acetabulum
33 Where do you find osteocytes
A Cartilage
B Blood
C Bone
D Liver

Answer: Bone
34 Elbow joint is a
A Saddle joint
B Ball and socket joint
C Pivot joint
D Hinge joint

Answer: Hinge joint
35 Muscle that bends one part over another is called
A Extensor
B Flexor
C Abductor
D Adductor

Answer: Flexor
36 Abductor muscles is antagonist of
A Adductor
B Flexor
C Pronator
D None of the above

Answer: Adductor
37 Acetabulum forms
A Hip joint
B Shoulder joint
C Knee joint
D Elbow joint

Answer: Hip joint
38 The only movable bone in the skull is
A Maxilla
B Frontoparietal
C Mandible
D None of the above

Answer: Mandible
39 Cartilaginous joints
A Permit slight movements
B Are found in symphysis
C Are found in the bodies of vertebrae
D All the above

Answer: All the above
40 Hinge joints
A Are synovial joints
B Permit movements in one direction
C Are found in knee
D All the above

Answer: All the above
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