Plant Families Quiz | Plant Families Objective Type Questions and Answers

Sports GK Questions and Answers 2024 (Latest Updated)

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21 Botanical name of Henbane is
A Hyoscyanus niger
B Physalis peruviana
C Cestrum diurnum
D Withania somnifera

Answer: Hyoscyanus niger
22 Flower of Brassica is
A Tricyclic
B Tetracyclic
C Pentacyclic
D Hexacyclic

Answer: Pentacyclic
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23 Which one possesses numerous ovules in its pistil
A Asteraceae
B Poaceae
C Solanoceae
D Both A and B

Answer: Solanoceae
24 An edible fruit of family solanaceae is
A Physalis
B Withania
C Hyoscyamus
D Capsicum

Answer: Physalis
25 Egg plants belongs to
A Brassicaceae
B Solanaceae
C Poaceae
D Lilaceae

Answer: Solanaceae
26 Botanical name of Gram is
A Phaseolus aureus
B Phaseolus mungo
C Cicer arietinum
D Cajanus cajan

Answer: Cicer arietinum
27 Tobacco is
A Fruits of Nicotiana
B Seeds of Nicotiana
C Dried leaves of Nicotiana
D Dried roots of Nicotiana

Answer: Dried leaves of Nicotiana
28 Chilli is
A Solanum melongena
B Atropa acuminate
C Capsicum annuum
D Physalis peruviana

Answer: Capsicum annuum
29 Epipetalous androecium occurs in
A Brassicaceae
B Solanaceae
C Asteraceae
D Both B and C

Answer: Both B and C
30 Cestrum nocturnum belongs to family
A Solanaceae
B Fabaceae
C Asteraceae
D Poaceae

Answer: Solanaceae
31 Datura belongs to family
A Asteraceae
B Solanaceae
C Liliaceae
D Poaceae

Answer: Solanaceae
32 Gynoecium of solanaceae is
A Monocarpellary
B Bicarpellary apocarpous
C Bicarpellary syncarpous
D Polycarpellary syncarpous

Answer: Bicarpellary syncarpous
33 Sepals are persistent in
A Solanaceae
B Brassicaceae
C Poaceae
D All the above

Answer: Solanaceae
34 Two important papilionaceous timber woods are
A Dalbergia sisso and Albizzia lebbek
B Butea monosperma and Xylia xylocarpa
C Dalbergia sisso and Intisia hookeri
D Dalbergia sisso and Pterocarpus marsupium

Answer: Butea monosperma and Xylia xylocarpa
35 Jeweler’s weights are obtain from
A Sesbania grandiflora
B Abrus precatorius
C Psoralea corylifolia
D Cyamopsis tetragonaloba

Answer: Abrus precatorius
36 A fodder plant is
A Medicago sativa
B Melilotus indica
C Trifolium alexandrium
D All the above

Answer: All the above
37 Soyabean is
A Vicia faba
B Cicer arietinum
C Glycine max
D Cajanus cajan

Answer: Glycine max
38 Red Sandal Wood is
A Santalum album
B Pterocarpus santalinus
C Pterocarpus marsupium
D Butea monosperma

Answer: Pterocarpus santalinus
39 Oil seed is
A Lens culinaris
B Arachis hypogea
C Trifolium alexandrium
D Phaseolus Mungo

Answer: Arachis hypogea
40 Glycyrrhiza glabra belong to family
A Asteraceae
B Brassicaceae
C Fabaceae
D Poaceae

Answer: Fabaceae
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