Remote Sensing MCQs | Remote Sensing Multiple Choice Questions with Answers

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61 Which one of the following residual biases involves the GPS accuracy?
A Satellite dependent biases due to uncertainty in the orbital parameters of the satellite
B Receiver -dependent biases due to clock stability with line
C Signal propagation biases due to the sphere and troposphere propagation
D All the above

Answer: All the above
62 The value of energy quantum for radiation of any frequency is proportional to:
A The frequency
B The reciprocal of the energy
C The square of the frequency
D The square root of the frequency

Answer: The frequency
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63 The instruments which provide electromagnetic radiation of specified wave length or a band of wave lengths to illuminate the earth surface are called:
A Sensors
B Passive sensors
C Active sensors
D None of these

Answer: Active sensors
64 The most widely used antenna in GPS is
A Parabolic antenna
B Microstrip antenna
C Horn antenna
D None of these

Answer: Microstrip antenna
65 Orbital radius of GPS satellites is approximately:
A 15,200 km
B 26,600 km
C 18,400 km
D 36,000 km

Answer: 26,600 km
66 Pick up the correct statement from the following
A The ratio of the up flux and down flux just above the snow surface, is called albedo
B Spectral albedo of snow is calculated for the semi-infinite snow thickness
C Water equivalent height of snow is the height of water column obtained by melting snow
D All of these

Answer: All of these
67 The basic requirement of any sensor system is:
A Radiometric resolution
B Spatial resolution
C Spectral resolution
D All of these

Answer: All of these
68 Pick up the correct statement from the following:
A Permeability is a measure of conducting the magnetic lines of force in the material
B Permeability is a measure of the extent to which magnetic lines of force can penetrate a medium
C Permeability is expressed as the ratio of the magnetic flux density B. to the field strength of the magnetizing field
D All of these

Answer: All of these
69 Pick up the correct statement from the following:
A A graphical representation of spectral reflectance verses the various growth stages of a crop, depicts a phonologic pattern
B The changes in the polarisation of the radiation reflected or emitted by an object, is known as polarisation variation
C The degree of polarisation is a characteristic of the object which helps in the identification of the object
D All of these

Answer: All of these
70 A perfectly black
A Is a diffuse emitter
B Absorbs all the radiations of every wave lengths
C Emits power of every wave length
D All the above

Answer: All of these
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