Stress and Strain MCQs | Stress and Strain Short Questions and Answers

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41 A cylindrical section having no joint is known as
A jointless section
B homogeneous section
C perfect section
D seamless section

Answer: seamless section
42 A beam is loaded as cantilever. If the load at the end is increased, the failure will occur
A in the middle
B at the tip below the load
C at the support
D anywhere

Answer: anywhere
43 A non-yielding support implies that the
A support is frictionless
B support can take any amount of reaction
C support holds member firmly
D slope of the beam at the support is zero

Answer: slope of the beam at the support is zero
44 In a prismatic member made of two materials so joined that they deform equally under axial stress, the unit stresses in two materials are
A equal
B proportional to their respective moduli of elasticity
C inversely proportional to their moduli of elasticity
D average of the sum of moduli of elas-ticity

Answer: proportional to their respective moduli of elasticity
45 In riveted boiler joints, all stresses, shearing, bearing and tensile are based on the
A size of rivet
B size of the drilled or reamed hole
C average of size of rivet and hole
D smaller of the two

Answer: size of the drilled or reamed hole
46 The distance between the centres of the rivets in adjacent rows of zig-zag riveted joint is known as
A pitch
B back pitch
C diagonal pitch
D diametral pitch

Answer: diagonal pitch
47 When two plates are butt together and riveted with cover plates with two rows of rivets, the joi;it is known as
A lap point
B butt joint
C single riveted single cover butt joint
D double riveted double cover butt joint

Answer: double riveted double cover butt joint
48 The deformation of a bar under its own weight compared to the deformation of same body subjected to a direct load equal to weight of the body is
A same
B double
C half
D four times

Answer: half
49 Hooke's law holds good up to
A yield point
B limit of proportionality
C breaking point
D elastic limit

Answer: limit of proportionality
50 The unit of Young's modulus is
A mm/mm
B kg/cm
C kg
D kg/cm2

Answer: kg/cm2
51 It equal and opposite forces applied to a body tend to elongate it, the stress so produced is called
A internal resistanpe
B tensile stress
C transverse stress
D compressive stress

Answer: tensile stress
52 If the radius of wire stretched by a load is doubled, then its Young's modulus will be
A doubled
B halved
C become four times
D remain unaffected

Answer: remain unaffected
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