Welding Quiz | Welding Objective Type Questions and Answers

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21 The phenomeon of weld decay occurs in.......
A Cast iron
B Brass
C Bronze
D Stainless steel

Answer: Stainless steel
22 Preheating is essential in welding for......
A High speed steel
B Stainless steel
C Cast iron
D German silver

Answer: Cast iron
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23 The following welding process uses consumable electrodes.......
C Thermit
D Gas

Answer: MIG
24 The suitable welded material used in TIG welding is.......
A Aluminium
B Stainless steel
C Magnesium
D All of the above

Answer: All of the above
25 Flash butt welding is.......
A Gas welding
B Arc welding with straight polarity
C Arc welding with reverse polarity
D Resistance welding

Answer: Resistance welding
26 Seam welding is.......
A Arc welding
B Multi spot welding
C Continuous welding
D Gas welding

Answer: Continuous welding
27 Which type of electrode is used in submerged arc welding......
A Bare rods
B Coated electrodes
C Core wires
D Copper electrodes

Answer: Bare rods
28 In resistance welding the electrode material is made of.......
A Carbon steel
B Stainless steel
C Copper
D High speed steel

Answer: Copper
29 Too slow welding speed in arc welding would result in.......
A Excessive piling up of weld metal, poor penetration, wasted electrodes
B Excessive spatter, under cutting along edges, irregular deposits, wasted electrodes
C Too small bead, weak weld, and wasted electrodes
D Excessive pillling up of weld metal, overlapping without penetration of edges, wasted electrodes

Answer: Excessive pillling up of weld metal, overlapping without penetration of edges, wasted electrodes
30 The melting point of the filler metal in brazing should be above.......
A 420o C
B 820o C
C 1020o C
D 1200o C

Answer: 420o C
31 Too fast welding speed in arc welding would result in.......
A Excessive piling up of weld metal, poor penetration, wasted electrodes
B Excessive spatter, under cutting along edges, irregular deposits, wasted electrodes
C Too small bead, weak weld, and wasted electrodes
D None of the above

Answer: Too small bead, weak weld, and wasted electrodes
32 Too high welding current in arc welding would result in......
A Excessive piling up of weld metal, poor penetration, wasted electrodes
B Excessive spatter, under cutting along edges, irregular deposits, wasted electrodes
C Too small bead, weak weld, and wasted electrodes
D None of the above

Answer: Excessive spatter, under cutting along edges, irregular deposits, wasted electrodes
33 Too low welding current in arc welding would result in.......
A Excessive piling up of weld metal, poor penetration, wasted electrodes
B Excessive spatter, under cutting along edges, irregular deposits, wasted electrodes
C Too small bead, weak weld, and wasted electrodes
D None of the above

Answer: Excessive piling up of weld metal, poor penetration, wasted electrodes
34 In arc welding, if arc is too long, it will result in.......
A Electrode sticking to the base metal and base metal not melting and bead resting on top of the work, leading to poor fusion and gas and slag holes
B Formation of large globules in an irregular pattern because of wandering of arc, leading of poor fusion with base petal
C Arc extinction
D Operator hazard

Answer: Formation of large globules in an irregular pattern because of wandering of arc, leading of poor fusion with base petal
35 In arc welding, if arc is too short, it will result in.......
A Electrode sticking to the base metal and base metal not melting and bead resting on top of the work, leading to poor fusion and gas and slag holes
B Formation of large globules in an irregular pattern because of wandering of arc, leading of poor fusion with base petal
C Arc extinction
D Operator hazard

Answer: Electrode sticking to the base metal and base metal not melting and bead resting on top of the work, leading to poor fusion and gas and slag holes
36 Arc stability is better with.......
A AC welding
B DC welding
C Both AC with DC welding
D Specially designed wave forms

Answer: AC welding
37 Arc length in arc welding should be equal to......
A Half the diameter of electrode rod
B Rod diameter
C Twice the rod diameter
D 2.5 times the rod diameter

Answer: Rod diameter
38 Arc welding in arc welding should be nearly equal to.......
A Diameter of electrode rod (d)
B 1.5 d
C 2 d
D 3 d

Answer: Diameter of electrode rod (d)
39 Which of the following carbon steel is most weldable.......
A 0.15 % carbon steel
B 0.30 % carbon steel
C 0.50 % carbon steel
D 0.75 % carbon steel

Answer: 0.15 % carbon steel
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