Basic Mobile application Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs) & Answers

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81 What year was the Open Handset Alliance announced?
A 2005
B 2006
C 2007
D 2008

Answer: 2007
82 Android tries hard to _________ low-level components, such as the software stack, with interfaces so that vendor-specific code can be managed easily.
A confound
B absract
C modularize
D compound

Answer: absract
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83 What part of the Android platform is open source?
A low-level Linux modules
B all of these answers #The entire stack is an open source platform
C native libraries
D application frame work

Answer: all of these answers #The entire stack is an open source platform
84 When did Google purchase Android?
A 2007
B 2005
C 2008
D 2010

Answer: 2005
85 Android releases since 1.5 have been given nicknames derived how?
A Adjective and strange animal
B Food
C Something that starts w/ ‘A’ -> Something that starts w/ ‘B’…
D American states

Answer: Food
86 Which one is not a nickname of a version of Andriod?
A cupcake
B Gingerbread
C Honeycomb
D Muffin

Answer: Muffin
87 Why are the so few users left with versions 1.0 and 1.1?
A The first phones were released with version 1.5
B 1.0 and 1.1 had security holes that forced carriers to recall phones using them
C 1.0 and 1.1 are just number designations for the version Apple’s iPhone is running
D Everyone with 1.0 and 1.1 were upgraded to 1.5 over the air automatically

Answer: Everyone with 1.0 and 1.1 were upgraded to 1.5 over the air automatically
88 Which Android version had the greatest share of the market as of January 2011?
A 1.1
B 1.5
C 2.3
D 3.4

Answer: 1.5
89 Which piece of code used in Android is not open source?
A Keypad driver
B WiFi? driver
C Audio driver
D Power management

Answer: WiFi? driver
90 Which among these are NOT a part of Android’s native libraries?

options(digits = 16)


A Webkit
B Dalvik
C OpenGL
D SQLite

Answer: Dalvik
91 Android is based on Linux for the following reason.
A Security
B Portability
C Networking
D All of these

Answer: All of these
92 What operating system is used as the base of the Android stack?
A Linux
B Windows
C Java

Answer: Linux
93 What year was development on the Dalvik virtual machine started?
A 2003
B 2005
C 2007
D 2006

Answer: 2005
94 What is a key difference with the distribution of apps for Android based devices than other mobile device platform applications?
A Applications are distributed by Apple App Store only
B Applications are distributed by multiple vendors with different policies on applications.
C Applications are distributed by multiple vendors with the exact same policies on applications.
D Applications are distributed by the Android Market only.

Answer: Applications are distributed by multiple vendors with different policies on applications.
95 When developing for the Android OS, Java byte code is compiled into what?
A Java source code
B Dalvik application code
C Dalvik byte code
D C source code

Answer: Dalvik byte code
96 What does the .apk extension stand for? ?
A Application Package
B Application Program Kit
C Android Proprietary Kit
D Android Package

Answer: Application Package
97 How does Google check for malicious software in the Android Market?
A Every new app is scanned by a virus scanner
B Users report malicious software to Google
C Google employees verify each new app
D A seperate company monitors the Android Market for Google

Answer: Users report malicious software to Google
98 Which of these are not one of the three main components of the APK?
A Dalvik Executable
B Resources
C Native Libraries
D Webkit

Answer: Webkit
99 What is the name of the program that converts Java byte code into Dalvik byte code?
A Android Interpretive Compiler (AIC)
B Dalvik Converter
C Packages
D Mobile Interpretive Compiler (MIC)

Answer: Dex compiler
100 What was the main reason for replacing the Java VM with the Dalvik VM when the project began?
A There was not enough memory capability
B Java virtual machine was not free
C Java VM was too complicated to configure
D Java VM ran too slow

Answer:Java virtual machine was not free
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