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41 Which of the following is a specific top-level domain created for the producers and consumers of mobile services?
D None of the mentioned

Answer: MOB
42 Point out the wrong statement
A Mobile phones are differentiated into feature phones and smartphones
B Cloud computing offers the capability to run cell phone applications and Web services and to store data remotely
C The eventual impact of the cloud on mobile devices will be to make them thicker(as client)
D All of the mentioned

Answer: The eventual impact of the cloud on mobile devices will be to make them thicker(as client)
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43 Which of the following domain is used to create sites that render correctly on mobile devices?

x< - c (“a”,” b”)


A Mobile Top Level Domain
B Mobile Middle Level Domain
C Mobile Low Level Domain
D All of the mentioned

Answer: Mobile Top Level Domain
44 Which of the following tool analyzes Websites and scores them by dotMobi?
A Ready mobi
B Call mobi
C Push mobi
D All of the mentioned

Answer: Ready mobi
45 Point out the correct statement

m < - matrix(1:6, nrow = 2, ncol = 3)

A Mobile Web services are those in which information is transferred between applications and services over an Internet connection
B The mobile Web is fractured into many different competing operating systems and proprietary hardware
C The lack of expandable storage on mobile devices is a classic example of vendor lock-in
D All of the mentioned

Answer: All of the mentioned
46 Which of the following mechanism is suited for content compatibility on the mobile Web?
A content negotiation
B content description
C content attribute
D none of the mentioned

Answer: content negotiation
47 Which of the following group aimed at promoting standards on mobile networks?
D None of the mentioned

Answer: OMTP
48 Which of the following vendors were part of WAC promote the market for mobile applications?
A Motorola
B Nokia
C Sony Ericsson
D All of the mentioned

Answer: All of the mentioned
49 Which of the following framework is used for creating mobile interfaces and subsystems by OMTP?
D None of the mentioned

Answer: XACML
50 Which of the following standard mobile API is based on a set of JavaScript APIs?
D All of the mentioned

Answer: GSMA OneAPI
51 A deviation from the specified or expected behavior that is visible to end-users is called:
A an error
B a fault
C a failure
D a defect

Answer: a failure
52 A configuration management system would NOT normally provide:
A Linkage of customer requirements to version numbers.
B The precise differences in versions of software component source code.
C Facilities to compare test results with expected results.
D Restricted access to the source code librar

Answer: Facilities to compare test results with expected results.
53 Test cases are designed during:
A Test recording.
B Test configuration.
C Test planning.
D Test specification

Answer: Test specification
54 Which of the following statements about reviews is true?
A Reviews should be performed on specifications, code, and test plans
B Reviews are the least effective way of testing code.
D Reviews cannot be performed on user requirements specifications

Answer: Reviews should be performed on specifications, code, and test plans
55 In case of Large Systems


A Only few tests should be run
B Test Cases written by good test engineers should be executed
C Only Good Test Cases should be executed
D Testing should be on the basis of Risk

Answer: Testing should be on the basis of Risk
56 Which of the following will be the best definition for Testing :
A Testing is executing Software for the purpose of finding defects
B The purpose of testing is to demonstrate that the program is defect free
C The purpose of testing is to demonstrate that the program does what it is supposed to do
D The goal / purpose of testing is to demonstrate that the program works.

Answer: Testing is executing Software for the purpose of finding defects
57 Which of the following is not a type of incremental testing approach?
A Big-bang
B Top down
C Bottom up
D Functional incrimination

Answer: Big-bang
58 Test Conditions are derived from
A Test Design
B Test Cases
C Test Data
D Specifications

Answer: Specifications
59 Pick the best definition of quality
A Quality is job one
B Zero defects
C Work as designed
D Conformance to requirements

Answer: Conformance to requirements
60 Fault Masking is
A Creating a test case which does not reveal a fault
B Error condition hiding another error condition
C Masking a fault by developer
D Masking a fault by a tester

Answer: ) Error condition hiding another error condition
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