APSC Anthropology MCQs with Answers | Anthropology Questions for PSC Exams | GkSeries

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61 Which of the following is considered to be the most rational thinking in religion?
1 Fetishism
2 Polytheism
3 Monotheism
4 Symbolism

Answer: Monotheism
62 Primitive law depends on
1 bond of kinship
2 territorial relations
3 place of residence
4 None of the above

Answer: bond of kinship
63 Which of the following is an AustroAsiatic linguistic tribe?
1 The Nagas
2 The Mizos
3 The Khasis
4 The Bodos

Answer: The Khasis
64 The concept of cultural lag is linked with the name of
1 Robert M. Maclver
2 W. I. Thomas
3 Robert E. Park
4 W. F. Ogburn

Answer: W. F. Ogburn
65 Fission track dating is based on
1 uranium decay
2 potassium decay
3 carbon decay
4 argon decay

Answer: uranium decay
66 Which of the following first buried their dead regularly?
1 Homo habilis
2 Homo erectus
3 Homo neanderthalensis
4 Australopithecines

Answer: Homo neanderthalensis
67 Orangutans are mostly found in
1 Madagascar Islands
2 Andaman Islands
3 Polynesian Islands
4 Islands of Borneo and Sumatra

Answer: Islands of Borneo and Sumatra
68 The average cranial capacity of man ranges from
1 1000 cc to 1200 cc
2 1300 cc to 1450 cc
3 1700 cc to 1850 cc
4 2000 cc to 2100 cc

Answer: 1300 cc to 1450 cc
69 Which of the following sutures unite the two parietal bones of human skull?
1 Lamboidal suture
2 Coronal suture
3 Sagittal suture
4 None of the above

Answer: Sagittal suture
70 The hairform of the Mongoloid people is generally described as
1 leiotrichy
2 cymotrichy
3 ulotrichy
4 None of the above

Answer: leiotrichy
71 The cranial index of Pithecanthropus erectus is
1 70
2 65
3 75
4 60

Answer: 70
72 The associated artifacts found with the Grimaldi man were of
1 Mousterian culture
2 Sohanian culture
3 Aurignacian culture
4 Solutrean culture

Answer: Aurignacian culture
73 The celts are characteristic tool types of
1 Palaeolithic
2 Mesolithic
3 Neolithic
4 None of the above

Answer: Neolithic
74 A special relationship that exists between fathers' sister and brothers' children is called
1 couvade
2 sororate
3 avunculate
4 amitate

Answer: amitate
75 Somatometry is the study of the somatometric measurements taken on the
1 living human being
2 human skull
3 bones of the skeleton
4 None of the above

Answer: living human being