APSC Geography MCQs with Answers | Geography Questions for PSC Exams | GkSeries

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61 Kochi and Karwar are the example of
1 garrison town
2 naval-base town
3 fort town
4 port town

Answer: naval-base town
62 Which one of the following is a land locked harbor?
1 Vishakhapatnam
2 Ennore
3 Mumbai
4 Haldia

Answer: Vishakhapatnam
63 Which one of the following basins experience convectional rainfall?
1 Hwang Ho
2 Ganga
3 Amazan
4 Mississippi

64 The longest continuous mountain range in the world is
1 Himalayas
2 Alps
3 Rockies
4 Andes

65 The length of day is determined in
1 solar terms
2 astronomical terms
3 length of the hours
4 None of the above

Answer: astronomical terms
66 The ‘Great Barrier Reel’ is located along the coast of
2 UK
3 Canada
4 Australia

Answer: 1823
67 Into how many zones has the railway system in India been divided?
1 9
2 16
3 12
4 14

68 Which one of the following South Indian States has the highest groundwater utilization (in percent) of its total groundwater potential?
1 Tamil Nadu
2 Andhra Pradesh
3 Karnataka
4 Kerala

Answer: Tamil Nadu
69 The Brahmaputra river entering Bangladesh is known as
1 Padma
2 Meghna
3 Jamuna
4 Luhit

70 Which one of the following is the largest linguistic group of India?
1 Sino-Tibetan
2 Austric
3 Indo-Aryan
4 Dravidian

Answer: Indo-Aryan
71 Nathu is Pass is in
1 Arunachal Pradesh
2 Jammu and Kashmir
3 Bhutan
4 Sikkim

72 Geodesy is a science which studies about
1 the space
2 earth measurement
3 interior of the earth
4 earth’s surface forms

Answer: earth measurement
73 Which one of the following States has the higher proportion of Scheduled Tribe population to the total population?
1 Manipur
2 Meghalaya
3 Tripura
4 Nagaland

Answer:Nebular settlements
74 Mal Plateau is eroded by the rivers
1 Yamuna and Ganga
2 Yamuna and Chambal
3 Chambal and Narmada
4 Narmada and Tapti

Answer:Yamuna and Chambal
75 What is the approximate length of the Indian coastlines?
1 4500 km
2 4900 km
3 6100 km
4 5200 km

Answer:6100 km