APSC Zoology MCQs with Answers | Zoology Questions for PSC Exams | GkSeries

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61 Archenteron is formed during
1 morula stage
2 blastula stage
3 late gastrula stage
4 early gastrula stage

Answer: early gastrula stage
62 Turner's syndrome is caused due to sex chromosomal composition of
1 XO

Answer: XO
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63 Darwin's finches are a good example of
1 convergent evolution
2 industrial melanism
3 connecting link
4 adaptive radiation

Answer: adaptive radiation
64 Which of the following is secondary pollutant?
1 NO
2 NO2
3 SO2

Answer: PAN
65 A taxon which is facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild in immediate future is known as
1 rare
2 vulnerable
3 endangered
4 critically endangered

Answer: critically endangered
66 In a mammalian embryo, the extra-embryonic membranes arise from
1 inner cell mass
2 formative cells
3 trophoblast
4 follicle cells

Answer: trophoblast
67 Removal of spleen from the human body leads to
1 decrease in antibody formation
2 increase in RBC production
3 decrease in platelet formation
4 decrease in plasma formation

Answer: decrease in antibody formation
68 Which one of the following elements is required in coagulation of blood?
1 Calcium
2 Iron
3 Potassium
4 Sodium

Answer: Calcium
69 The conduction of impulse from SA node moves to
1 A
2 B
3 AB
4 O

Answer: AB
70 Seymouria, a fossil reptile, is a missing link between
1 fishes and amphibians
2 amphibians and reptiles
3 reptiles and mammals
4 None of the above

Answer: amphibians and reptiles
71 The Wild Life (Protection) Act was passed in the year
1 1972
2 1982
3 1992
4 1962

Answer: 1972
72 In ornithine cycle, which pair of the following wastes are removed from the blood?
1 C02 and urea
2 Ammonia and urea
3 C02 and ammonia
4 Urea and sodium salt

Answer: C02 and urea , C02 and ammonia
73 The honeybees exhibit a particular dance to communicate the location of food. This is known as
1 tap dance
2 waggle dance
3 break dance
4 round and waggle dance

Answer: round and waggle dance
74 Who stated that life originated from simple amino acids?
1 Oparin
2 Muller
3 Urey and Muller
4 De Vries

Answer: Urey and Muller
75 Which of the following is used for dating the bones?
1 C14
2 I121
3 P32
4 All of the above

Answer: C14
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