
Basics - Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on C Programming Basics

(1) Who developed the C programming language?
[A] Bjarne Stroustrup
[B] James Gosling
[C] Dennis Ritchie
[D] Ray Boyce


Answer: Option [C]

Dennis Ritchie developed the C programming language at Bell laboratories during 1970s

(2) A name having a few letters, numbers and special character _(underscore) is called
[A] keywords
[B] reserved keywords
[C] tokens
[D] identifiers


Answer: Option [D]

An identifier is a name used to identify a variable, function, array, structure, array, union etc. It can be consists of maximum 31 characters.

(3) The words if, else, auto, float etc. hasve predefined meaning and users cannot use them as variables. These words are called
[A] constant
[B] identifier
[C] data types
[D] keywords


Answer: Option [D]
(4) What is/are the type/types of numeric constant/constants used in c programming language?
[A] Integer constant
[B] Real constant
[C] Both [A] & [B]
[D] None of the above


Answer: Option [C]
(5) Which is/are the integer constant/constants?
[A] Decimal integer constant
[B] Octal integer constant
[C] Hexadecimal integer constant
[D] All of the above


Answer: Option [D]

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