
Citizenship in India - General Knowledge Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

(1) Which of the following is not a condition for becoming a citizen of India ?
[A] Birth
[B] Acquiring property
[C] Descent
[D] Naturalisation


Answer: Option [B]

The correct answer is acquiring property. The citizenship Act 1955 lays down rules for the acquisition and determination of Indian Citizens. The Indian citizenship act was amended five times. Birth certificates are the proof of the citizenship of India said by the government.

(2) Which of the following is competent to prescribe conditions as for acquiring citizenship of India ?
[A] Parliament
[B] State Legislature
[C] President
[D] Home Minister of India


Answer: Option [A]

Parliament is competent to prescribe conditions as for acquiring citizenship of India. The Parliament of India can prescribe conditions as for acquiring Indian citizenship. Article 11 of the Constitution shall derogate from the power of Parliament to make any provision with respect to the acquisition and termination of citizenship and all other matters relating to citizenship.

(3) Find the correct statement regarding the acquisition of Indian citizenship ?
[A] If citizenship of India is to acquired by registration, one year residence in India is essential.
[B] If citizenship is to be acquired by naturalisation the person concerned must have resident in India for 5 years.
[C] If born in India, only that person can acquire citizenship at least one of whose parents is an Indian.
[D] Rules regarding the citizenship of India shall not be applicable to Jammu and Kashmir.


Answer: Option [C]

The correct statement is "If born in India, only that person can acquire citizenship at least one of whose parents is an Indian".

(4) According to the Indian Citizenship Act, 1955, which of the following is not a method of acquiring Indian Citizenship?
[A] Children of the diplomatic personnel or alien enemies born in Indiaon or after 26th, January 1950.
[B] Children born of Indian citizens abroad.
[C] Incorporation of territory not forming part of Indiaat the commencement of the Constitution.
[D] Naturalisation.


Answer: Option [A]

The correct answer is option A. Indian Citizenship Act was enacted by the Parliament in 1955 to deal with extended provisions with regard to the requirement of Citizenship. It provides that a person will not be a citizen of India if at the time of his birth either of his father or mother is a diplomat who is not a citizen of India or his father or mother is an alien enemy and birth of the child occurs in any place not being occupied by the enemy

(5) To acquire citizenship by registration a person must have been resident in India for how many years immediately before making an application?
[A] One year
[B] Two years
[C] Four years
[D] Seven years


Answer: Option [D]

A person can acquire citizenship by the registration under Indian Citizenship Act, 1955 if a person is ordinarily resident of India for seven years before making application for registration.

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