
Organic Chemistry Questions and Answers – Chemical Properties of Amines – 1 | Organic Chemistry Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

(1) Which of the following is converted into an alcohol on treatment with HNO2?
[A] Methyl amine
[B] Aniline
[C] Dimethyl amine
[D] Triethyl amine
Answer: Methyl amine
(2) The action of nitrous acid on ethyl amine gives which of the following?
[A] Ethane
[B] Ammonia
[C] Ethyl acohol
[D] Nitroethane
Answer: Ethyl acohol
(3) Aniline reacts with acetaldehyde to form which of the following?
[A] Schiff’s base
[B] Carbylamine
[C] Immine
[D] Diazonium salt
Answer: Immine
(4) p-chloroaniline and anilinium hydrochloride can be distinguished by which test?
[A] Sandmeyer reaction
[B] NaHCO3
[C] AgNO3
[D] Carbylamine test
Answer: NaHCO3
(5) Nitroso amines (R2N−N=O) are soluble in water. On heating them with concentrated H2SO4 they give secondary amines. What is this reaction called as?
[A] Perkin’s reaction
[B] Fittig’s reaction
[C] Sandmeyer’s reaction
[D] Liebermann’s nitroso reaction
Answer: Liebermann’s nitroso reaction
(6) Ethyl amine undergoes oxidation in the presence of KMnO4 to form which compound?
[A] An acid
[B] An alcohol
[C] An aldehyde
[D] A nitrogen oxide
Answer: An aldehyde
(7) Reaction of primary amines with aldehyde yields which of the following compound?
[A] Amides
[B] Aldimines
[C] Nitriles
[D] Nitro compounds
Answer: Aldimines
(8) When primary amines are treated with HCl, the product obtained is which of the following?
[A] An alcohol
[B] A cyanide
[C] An amide
[D] Ammonium salt
Answer: Ammonium salt
(9) Primary amines can be distinguished from secondary and tertiary amines by reacting with which of the following?
[A] Chloroform and alcoholic KOH
[B] Methyl iodide
[C] Chloroform alone
[D] Zinc dust
Answer: Chloroform and alcoholic KOH
(10) When chloroform reacts with ethyl amine in presence of alcoholic KOH, the compound formed is which of the following?
[A] Ethyl cyanide
[B] Ethyl isocyanide
[C] Formic acid
[D] An amide
Answer: Ethyl isocyanide