
Seating Arrangement - Reasoning Questions for IBPS Clerk Exam

Study the following information to answer the given questions.

P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W and X are sitting around a circle facing the centre. U is the fourth from the right of P who is the second to the right of Q. X is fourth to the left of Q and third to the right of S. R is the third to the right of W. T is second to the left of V.

(1) Who is the immediate right of R ?
[A] W
[B] X
[C] U
[D] S


Answer: Option [B]

We draw all the given informations in a circle

The immediate right of R is X

(2) Who is third to right of Q ?
[A] T
[B] R
[C] U
[D] P


Answer: Option [D]

We draw all the given informations in a circle

The third to the right of Q is P

(3) Who is second to the left of V ?
[A] T
[B] R
[C] S
[D] Q


Answer: Option [A]

We draw all the given informations in a circle

The second to the left of V is T

Study the following information to answer the given questions.

Six students Rita, Gita, Swapna, Binit, Ishant and Sunil are sitting in two rows in a tuition centre. They are sitting three in each row. Ishant is not sitting at the end of any row. Binit is second to the left of Sunil. Swapna is immediate right os Ishant is sitting diagonally opposite to Binit. Gita is immediate neighbour of Sunil.

(4) Which of the following are sitting diagonally opposite to each other ?
[A] Binit and Rita
[B] Gita and Ishant
[C] Gita and Sunil
[D] Sunil and Rita


Answer: Option [D]

We draw all the given informations in two rows

Sunil and Rita are diagonally opposite to each other

(5) After interchanging the seat with Gita, who will be the neighbours of Rita in the new position ?
[A] Ishant and Swapna
[B] Binit and Sunil
[C] Binit and Swapna
[D] Sunil and Ishant


Answer: Option [B]

We draw all the given informations in two rows

The new neighbours of Rita is Binit and Sunil
