
Syllogism - Reasoning Aptitude Questions with answers for IBPS IT Officer Exam

        Statements:	All scientists are fools.
			All fools are illiterate.
	Conclusion: 	I. All scientists are illiterate
			II. All illiterate are scientists.
			III. All illiterates are fools.
			IV. Some illiterates would be scientiste.
[A] Only i and iv follow
[B] Only ii follows
[C] Only iii and iv follow
[D] Only iv follows


Answer: Option [A]

The area for scientists lies entirely in the area for illiterates. So, conclusion i follows. The area I does not lie completely within S or entirely within F. So, conclusions ii and iii cannot follow. Since illiterates and scientists have a common area, conclusion iv follows. Thus, only conclusion i and iv follow.

syllogism-aptitude-test-1 - GkSeries

        Statements:	All bags are pockets.
        		No pocket is pounch.
        Conclusion: 	I. No pounch is bag.
        		II. Some slates are pockets.
[A] Only I follow
[B] Only II follow
[C] Only either I or II follows
[D] All follow


Answer: Option [A]

syllogism-aptitude-test-2 - GkSeries

	Statements: 	All soaps are detergents.
         		All detergents are powerders.
	Conclusion: 	I. All soaps are powerders.
        	 	II. Some detergents are soaps.
        	 	III. Some powerders are soaps.
        	 	IV. Some powerders are detergents.
[A] Only I follow
[B] Only I and II follow
[C] Only II, III and IV follow
[D] All follow


Answer: Option [D]

The area for soaps lies entirely within the area for powder. So, conclusion I follows. Detergents and soaps have a common area, powders and soaps have a common area and powders and detergents have a common area, So, conclusions II, III and IV also follow. Thus all the conclusions follow

	Statements: 	Some phones are computers.
    			All computers are radios.
    			All radios are televisions.
	Conclusion: 	I. All televisions are computers.
			II. Some radios are phone.
[A] Only I follows
[B] Only II follows
[C] Both I and II follow
[D] None follows


Answer: Option [B]

	Statements: 	Some clocks are watches.
			Some watches are walls.
			Some walls are houses.
			Some houses are rooms.
	Conclusion:	I. Some rooms are walls.
			II. Some houses are clocks.
			III. No room is wall.
[A] Only I follows
[B] Only II folllows
[C] Only III follows
[D] Only either I or III follows


Answer: Option [D]

Hence conclusion either I or III follows
