General Awareness Multiple Choice Questions & Answers on Indus Valley Civilization | Page-10

Sports GK Questions and Answers 2024 (Latest Updated)

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46 The dockyard at Lothal is connected through a channel to which one of the following rivers ?
A Bhogavo
B Chitra
C Chakra
D Bharavi

Answer: Option [A]

Lothal is located between the Sabarmati river and its tributary Bhogavo, in the Saurasthra region of Gujarat. Its dockyard was well connected with the river Bhogavo.

47 The Harappan civilization covered an extensive area of present South Asia. The geographic space covered by this civilization included
A Punjab, Sindh and a part of Northeastern frontier
B Punjab, Sindh and a part of Northwestern frontier and Kashmir
C Kashmir, Punjab, Sindh and Northeastern frontier
D Punjab, Sindh, a part of Northwestern frontier, Kathiawar and part of Ganga-Yamuna Doab

Answer: Option [D]

Harappan civilization covered an extensive area of about 680000-800000 sq km in Punjab, North-West Frontier (Pakistan and Afghanistan), Sindh, Balochistan, Kashmir, Ganga-Yamuna doab, Kathiawar, Rajasthan among other areas.

48 Which one among the following is not the characteristic feature of the Harappan settlement ?
A The citadel was walled but the lower town was not walled
B Houses generally had separate bathing areas and toilets
C Drains and water chutes from the second storey were often built inside the wall
D Doorways and windows generally faced the side lines and rarely opened onto the main streets

Answer: Option [C]

Drains and water chutes from the second storey were often built inside the wall

Harappan towns are not known for having drains built inside walls of houses. Harappans were hygiene lovers and generally had separate bathing and toilet areas in their houses.

49 Match the following
Harappan Settlement River
I Mohenjodaro 1.    Indus
II Rupar 2.    Ghaggar
III Kalibangan 3.    Sutlej
IV Harappa 4.    Ravi

          I     II     III     IV
A 1    3     2      4
B 2    4     1      3
C 1    4     2      3
D 2    3     4      1

Answer: Option [A]
50 Consider the following statements:
I. The inhabitants of Harappa grew and used cotton.
II. The standard Harappa seals were made of clay.
III. The inhabitants of Harappa had no knowledge of copper and bronze.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct

A I only
B I and II only
C II and III only
D None of the above

Answer: Option [A]

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