Answer: Option [B]
- They provide defense against floods.
- They provide security and longevity.
Answer: Option [B]
- They provide defense against floods.
- They provide security and longevity.
Answer: Option [A]From the scattered skeletal remains of the Harappan found at different sites, the most appropriate conclusion to be drawn would be that there was great epidemic.
Answer: Option [C]On the basis of available evidence, the Indus civilization contributed two important things to mankind which were wheat and cotton.
Answer: Option [C]Main channels of our knowledge about the Indus Valley Civilization are Archaeological excavations. In archaeology, excavation is the exposure , processing and recording of archaeological remains.
Answer: Option [D]Mohenjo-daro was discovered in 1922 by R. D. Banerji, an officer of the Archaeological Survey of India, two years after major excavations had begun at Harappa, some 590 km to the north.