Manual Testing Quiz | Manual Testing Short Questions and Answers

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41 Which is not Data Driven Testing?
A Ramp Testing
B Retesting
C Negative Testing
D Fuzz Testing

Answer: Ramp Testing
42 Pesticide Paradox principle of testing says that ______________.
A Test cases needs to be regularly reviewed and revised.
B Testing is done differently in different context.
C Finding and Fixing defects does not help if the system built is unstable.
D Clustering modules contain most of the defects.

Answer: Test cases needs to be regularly reviewed and revised.
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43 Which is not true in case of Soak Testing?
A Type of Performance Testing.
B Subset of Regression Testing.
C Running a system at high levels of load for prolonged periods of time.
D Also know as Endurance Testing.

Answer: Subset of Regression Testing.
44 Which of the following is / are true regarding Catastrophic Defect?
A Failure of the software and data can be recovered.
B Application crash and data cannot be recovered.
C Invokes other defect.
D Hide other defects.

Answer: Application crash and data cannot be recovered.
45 White Box Testing is not concern with _________.
A Cause and Effect Coverage
B Multiple Condition Coverage
C Decision Coverage
D Statement Coverage

Answer: Cause and Effect Coverage
46 Which is not a part of Specification Testing?
A Decision
B Use Case Testing
C Decision Tables
D Decision Tables

Answer: Decision
47 The Cyclomatic number theory in a graph is defined by ________.
A e - n + 2
B e - n + 1
C e - n - 2
D e - n - 1

Answer: e - n + 1
48 ________ calls the function and passes it test data.
A Test Driver
B Proxy
C Test Stub
D None of the above

Answer: Test Driver
49 Which debugging technique is most used for debugging in small software?
A Back tracking
B Cause elimination
C Induction
D Brute Force

Answer: Back tracking
50 __________ exercises the full functionality of a product but does not test features in detail.
A Breadth Testing
B Domain Testing
C Confirmation Testing
D Black box Testing

Answer: Breadth Testing
51 Which is not true regarding Spiral Model?
A Uses series of prototype for refining test execution plan.
B For any change we need to iterate the whole cycle.
C Risk analysis is involved in every cycle of development.
D Only this model has the risk analysis phase.

Answer: Uses series of prototype for refining test execution plan.
52 Which is not true regarding Smoke and Sanity Testing?
A When executing both, then first execute sanity testing tests and then smoke Testing.
B Smoke and sanity tests can be executed using an automation tool.
C Smoke testing performed on a particular build is also known as a build verification test.
D Sanity Testing is also called tester acceptance testing.

Answer: When executing both, then first execute sanity testing tests and then smoke Testing.
53 Which testing enables the tester to evaluate the software behaviour when exceptions occur?
A Passive Testing
B Fault Injection Testing
C Fuzz Testing
D Active Testing

Answer: Fault Injection Testing
54 Which is not true in context of Decision Tree?
A Random forest tree is used for regression type problem
B Handles both categorical and numerical data
C Perform well with large data
D Used in white box model.

Answer: Random forest tree is used for regression type problem
55 Which testing is performed with Planning and Documentation?
A End-to-End testing
B Fuzz testing
C Monkey testing
D Ad-hoc testing

Answer: End-to-End testing
56 Which testing cannot be performed on first build of the software?
A Sanity testing
B Retesting
C Regression testing
D All of these

Answer: All of these
57 Which testing focuses on heavily testing of one particular module?
A Breadth Testing
B Inter-Systems Testing
C Gorilla Testing
D Fuzz Testing

Answer: Gorilla Testing
58 7n test cases are generated in which case of Boundary Value Analysis?
A Critical fault assumption
B Worst case
C Roust worst case
D None of these

Answer: Roust worst case
59 A tester is executing a test to evaluate and it complies with the user requirement for a certain field be populated by using a dropdown box containing a list of values, at that time tester is performing __________ .
A Black-box Testing
B Regression Testing
C White-box Testing
D Load Testing

Answer: Black-box Testing
60 Which of the following is / are not use for the Usability Improvement of the website?
A Heuristic Evaluation
B Focus Groups
C Card sorting
D None of these

Answer: None of these
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