NCERT - Health and Diseases Questions and Answers of Class 12 Biology | GkSeries

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61 Which of the following specimen is tested the most for the detection of carrier of typhoid?
1 Urine
2 Blood
3 Faeces
4 Sputum

Answer: Faeces
62 Chicken pox is caused by
1 Varicella-Zoster Herpes virus
2 Adeno virus
3 SV 40 virus
4 Bacteriophage T2

Answer: Varicella-Zoster Herpes virus
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63 Which is spread by house fly
1 Dengue fever
2 Encephalitis
3 Filariasis
4 Typhoid

Answer: Typhoid
64 AZT is used in treatment of
1 Malaria
3 T.B.
4 Kala-azar

Answer: AIDS
65 AIDS is characterized by sharp reduction in number of
1 Helper T-cells
2 Killer T-cells
3 Suppressor T-cells
4 B-lymphocytes

Answer: Helper T-cells
66 Small pox and rabies are caused by
1 Bacterium
2 Virus
3 Protozoan
4 Nematode

Answer: Virus
67 Pernicious anaemia is caused by the deficiency of vitamin
1 B1/Thiamine
2 B12/Cobalamine
3 C/Ascorbic acid
4 D/Calaciferol

Answer: B12/Cobalamine
68 One of the following is used for treatment of thyroid cancer
1 U238
2 Ra-224
3 C-14
4 I-131

Answer: I-131
69 Enzyme responsible for replication of HIV is
1 RNA polymerase
2 DNA ligase
3 DNA polymerase
4 Reverse transcriptase

Answer: Reverse transcriptase
70 Inactive cancer gene is called
1 Transposon
2 Proto-oncogene
3 Tumour promoter gene
4 Tumour suppressor gene

Answer: Proto-oncogene
71 Widal test is used for diagnosis of
1 Malaria
2 Cholera
3 Typhoid
4 Yellow fever

Answer: Typhoid
72 Dengue is caused by
1 Female Aedes
2 male Aedes
3 Male Aneopheles
4 Female Anopheles

Answer: Female Aedes
73 AIIDS is due to
1 reduction in number of helper T-cells
2 Reduction in number of killer T-cells
3 Autoimmunity
4 Non-production of interferons

Answer: reduction in number of helper T-cells
74 Which one of the followings is a water borne disease?
1 Tuberculosis
2 Malaria
3 Cholera
4 Chicken pox

Answer: Cholera
75 Immune deficiency syndrome could develop due to
1 Defective liver
2 Defective thymus
3 AIDS virus
4 Weak immune system

Answer: AIDS virus


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