
Cloud programming Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs)& Answers

501 ___________ is done by Identity management?
[A] controlling access to data in the cloud
[B] maintaining user roles
[C] preventing unauthorized uses
[D] all of the mentioned
Answer: all of the mentioned
502 Point out the correct statement.
[A] Identities are not tied to the concept of accounts and can be used for contacts or “ID cards”
[B] Identities are important from a reliability standpoint
[C] Presence is important in cloud computing because it adds context that can modify services and service delivery
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: Presence is important in cloud computing because it adds context that can modify services and service delivery


503 ____________ is required by Cloud Computing?
[A] That you establish an identity
[B] That the identity be authenticated
[C] That the authentication be portable
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: All of the mentioned
504 Which of the following standard is the key to creating Single Sign-On (SSO) systems?
[A] OpenID 2.0
[D] None of the mentioned
Answer: OpenID 2.0
505 Choice the wrong statement.
[A] OpenID 2.0 is the standard associated with creating an identity
[B] OpenID doesn’t specify the means for authentication of identity
[C] OpenID provides access to important Web sites
[D] None of the mentioned
Answer: None of the mentioned
506 Which of the following is a complementary mechanism to OpenID and is used to create SSO systems?
[A] OpenSSL
[D] None of the mentioned
Answer: SMAL
507 Which of the following entity queries the OpenID identity provider to authenticate the veracity of the OpenID credentials?
[A] serving party
[B] relieving party
[C] relaying party
[D] none of the mentioned
Answer: relaying party
508 ___________ is the most important area of concern in cloud computing?
[A] Security
[B] Storage
[C] Scalability
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: Security
509 You can’t count on a cloud provider maintaining your _____ in the face of government actions.
[A] scalability
[B] reliability
[C] privacy
[D] none of the mentioned
Answer: privacy
510 __________ allows users to authenticate their access to applications both locally and in the cloud with a claims-based identity.
[B] AC
[D] None of the mentioned
Answer: AD FS
511 Which of the following describes a message-passing taxonomy for a component-based architecture that provides services to clients upon demand?
[D] all of the mentioned
Answer: SOA
512 Choice the correct statement.
[A] Service Level Agreements (SLAs) is small aspect of cloud computing
[B] Cloud computing does not have impact on software licensing
[C] Cloud computing presents new opportunities to users and developers
[D] All of the mentioned

Answer: Cloud computing presents new opportunities to users and developers
513 Applications that work with cloud computing that have low margins and usually low risk are _____________
[A] high touch
[B] System.Int16
[C] low touch
[D] moderate touch

Answer: low touch
514 Which of the following is a repeatable task within a business process?
[A] service
[B] bus
[C] methods
[D] all of the mentioned

Answer: service
515 ________ module of SOA is shown in the following figure?
[A] Description
[B] Messaging
[C] Business Process
Answer: QOS
516 Point out the wrong statement.
[A] SOA provides the standards that transport the messages and makes the infrastructure to support it possible
[B] SOA provides access to reusable Web services over an SMTP network
[C] SOA offers access to ready-made, modular, highly optimized, and widely shareable components that can minimize developer and infrastructure costs
[D] None of the mentioned
Answer: SOA provides access to reusable Web services over an SMTP network
517 ___________ is the most refined and restrictive service model?
[A] IaaS
[B] CaaS
[C] PaaS
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: PaaS
518 Which of the following is used to define the service component that performs the service?
[D] None of the mentioned
Answer: SCDL
519 Which of the following feature allows you to optimize your system and capture all possible transactions.
[A] scalability
[B] reliability
[C] elasticity
[D] none of the mentioned
Answer: elasticity
520 Which of the following is commonly used to describe the service interface, how to bind information, and the nature of the component’s service or endpoint?
[C] Elasticity
Answer: WSDL

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