
Objective type Questions(OTQs)& Answers on Cloud Programming

241 Which of the following vendor is offering optimization appliances for VMware infrastructure?
[A] Expand Networks
[B] Certeon
[C] Replify
[D] None of the mentioned
Answer: Certeon
242 Point out the correct statement.
[A] Virtual appliances are a relatively new paradigm for application deployment
[B] External network virtualization cannot be done using network switches and VLAN software
[C] All imaging programs can take snapshots of systems
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: Virtual appliances are a relatively new paradigm for application deployment


243 Simple Cloud API is useful for applications written in ____________
[B] Python
[C] Scala
[D] None of the mentioned
Answer: PHP
244 The __________ solution creates a virtual application appliance as an architectural layer between the Windows or the UNIX operating system and applications.
[A] AppOne
[B] AppZero
[C] AppSoft
[D] None of the mentioned
Answer: AppZero
245 Point out the wrong statement.
[A] Cloud computing applications have the ability to run on virtual systems
[B] Systems (VMs running applications), storage, and network assets cannot be virtualized
[C] Applications that run in data centers are captive to the operating systems and hardware platforms that they run on
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: Systems (VMs running applications), storage, and network assets cannot be virtualized
246 _______ creates a container that encapsulates the application and all the application’s dependencies within a set of files.
[D] None of the mentioned
Answer: VAA
247 Which of the following layer serves as the mediator for file I/O, the memory I/O, and application calls and response to DLLs?
[A] application
[B] client
[C] virtualization
[D] none of the mentioned
Answer: virtualization
248 Which of the following application delivery platform’s main focus is on desktop installations?
[A] Microsoft App-V
[B] Microsoft Hyper
[C] Amazon EC2
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: Microsoft App-V
249 Which of the following is the most widely used technique for abstraction?
[A] Load balancing
[B] Load scheduling
[C] instantiates button control
[D] Load scaling
E All of the mentioned
Answer: Load balancing
250 Which of the following is a potent cloud-building technology?
[A] vSphere
[B] HyperCube
[C] vCube
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: vSphere
251 Which of the following correctly describes the following figure?
[A] Capacity Planning
[B] Performance Planning
[C] Network Planning
[D] None of the mentioned
Answer: Capacity Planning
252 Point out the correct statement.
[A] Capacity planning seeks to match demand to available resources
[B] Capacity planning examines what systems are in place, measures their performance, and determines patterns in usage that enables the planner to predict demand
[C] Resources are provisioned and allocated to meet demand
[D] All of the mentioned

Answer: All of the mentioned
253 What is the relation of the capacity attribute to performance?
[A] same
[B] different
[C] similar
[D] none of the mentioned

Answer: different
254 What does L in LAMP stands for?
[A] Lamp
[B] Linux
[C] Lone
[D] None of the mentioned

Answer: Linux
255 Point out the wrong statement.
[A] Network capacity is one of the easiest factors to determine
[B] A system uses resources to satisfy cloud computing demands that include processor, memory, storage, and network capacity
[C] Scaling a system can be done by scaling up vertically to more powerful systems
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: v
256 Which of the following is one of the major categories of Amazon Machine Instances that you can create on the Amazon Web Service?
[D] None of the mentioned
Answer: LAMP
257 Which of the following is used as a substitute for PHP as a scripting language in LAMP?
[A] Scala
[B] Perl
[C] Ruby
[D] None of the mentioned
Answer: Perl
258 Which of the following RDBMS is used by LAMP?
[A] SQL Server
[B] DB2
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: MySQL
259 Which of the following is a critical step in capacity planning?
[A] Predict the future based on historical trends and other factors
[B] Load the system until it is overloaded
[C] Deploy or tear down resources to meet your predictions
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: Load the system until it is overloaded
260 Which of the following is the hardest factor to determine?
[A] Network performance
[B] Network capacity
[C] Network delay
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: Network capacity

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