
cloud programming Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs)& Answers

661 Which of the following service offers unlimited storage space?
[A] Adrive
[B] 4shared
[C] Badongo
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: Badongo
662 Point out the correct statement.
[A] In a managed cloud storage system, the user provisions storage on demand
[B] Unmanaged Storage is meant to support virtual cloud computing
[C] In managed storage, the storage service provider makes storage capacity available to users
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: In a managed cloud storage system, the user provisions storage on demand


663 Which of the following service has WebDAV as developer API?
[A] Adrive
[B] Drop.io
[C] Dropbox
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: Adrive
664 __________ developer API is provided by FilesAnywhere service?
[A] FA
[B] CA
[C] BA
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: FA
665 Point out the wrong statement.
[A] The most basic service that online storage can serve is to provide disk space on demand
[B] The user may be able to purchase additional space for paid service
[C] S3 is an example of unmanaged cloud storage
[D] None of the mentioned
Answer: S3 is an example of unmanaged cloud storage
666 Which of the following service is provided by Google for online storage?
[A] Drive
[B] SkyDrive
[C] Dropbox
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: Drive
667 Which of the following association has coined the term Data Storage as a Service (DaaS) to describe the delivery of storage on demand to clients over a distributed system?
[D] None of the mentioned
Answer: SNIA
668 Choice a correct answer which are Managed cloud storage providers?
[A] EMC Atmos
[B] Amazon.com Simple Storage Service
[C] IBM Smart Business Storage Cloud
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: All of the mentioned
669 Which of the following is mainly focused on backup and digital archiving, not on storage hosting?
[A] Nirvanix
[B] Iron Mountain
[C] Google Storage for Developers
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: Iron Mountain
670 Which of the following offers direct competition to Amazon’s S3 service?
[A] Nirvanix
[B] Rackspace Cloud
[C] Badongo
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: Rackspace Cloud
671 Which of the following feature make cloud-based storage systems highly reliable?
[A] Redundant networks
[B] Redundant name servers
[C] Replication
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: All of the mentioned
672 Point out the correct statement.
[A] With Atmos, you can create your own cloud storage system or leverage a public cloud service with Atmos online
[B] IBM is a major player in cloud computing particularly for businesses
[C] In managed storage, the storage service provider makes storage capacity available to users
[D] All of the mentioned

Answer: With Atmos, you can create your own cloud storage system or leverage a public cloud service with Atmos online
673 Redundancy has to be implemented at the _________ architectural level for effective results in cloud computing.
[A] lower
[B] higher
[C] middle
[D] all of the mentioned

Answer: higher
674 Which of the following can manage data from CIFS and NFS file systems over HTTP networks?
[A] StorageGRID
[B] DataGRID
[C] DiskGRID
[D] All of the mentioned

Answer: StorageGRID
675 Point out the wrong statement.
[A] AWS S3 essentially lets you create your own cloud storage
[B] WS created “Availability Zones” within regions, which are sets of systems that are isolated from one another
[C] Amazon Web Services (AWS) adds redundancy to its IaaS systems by allowing EC2 virtual machine instances
[D] None of the mentioned
Answer: A cloud cannot be created within an organization’s own infrastructure or outsourced to another datacenter
676 A ________ is a logical unit that serves as the target for storage operations, such as the SCSI protocol READs and WRITEs.
[A] GETs
[D] SaaS
Answer: LUN
677 Which of the following use LUNs to define a storage volume that appears to a connected computer as a device?
[C] Fibre Channel
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: All of the mentioned
678 Which of the following protocol is used for discovering and retrieving objects from a cloud?
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: OCCI
679 Which of the following disk operation is performed When a tenant is granted access to a virtual storage container?
[B] More reliable operation
[C] Partitioning
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: All of the mentioned
680 Which of the following standard connect distributed hosts or tenants to their provisioned storage in the cloud?
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: CDMI

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