
General Knowledge Questions and Answers on Poverty, Unemployment and Human Development

(1) What does absolute Poverty means ?
[A] Poverty in terms of the prevailing price level
[B] Poverty in terms of absolute number of people
[C] Poverty in terms of the absolute level of unemployment
[D] Poverty in terms of the basic minimum calorie requirements


Answer: Option [D]

The correct answer is Poverty in terms of the basic minimum calorie requirements. Absolute poverty is when household income is below a certain level. This makes it impossible for the person or family to meet basic needs of life including food, shelter, safe drinking water, education, healthcare, etc.

(2) What is the ‘Slack Season’ in Indian Economy ?
[A] March-April
[B] Sept-Dec
[C] Jan-June
[D] Feb-April


Answer: Option [C]

The correct answer is Jan-June. July-December corresponds to the main agricultural season in India, while January-June is a relatively 'dull' season. Since more than 50% of India's workforce is engaged in the agriculture sector, the slowdown in this sector gives a slowdown to the entire economy.

(3) India’s occupational structure remaining more or less the same over the years. Which one of the following is a reason for this ?
[A] Investment pattern has been directed towards capital intensive industries
[B] Productivity in agriculture has been high enough to induce people to stay with agriculture
[C] People are largely unaware of the significance of transition from agriculture to industry for economic development
[D] Ceilings on land holdings have enabled more people to own land and hence their preference to stay with agriculture


Answer: Option [A]

One of the reasons for India's occupational structure remaining more or less the same over the years has been that investment pattern has been directed towards capital intensive industries.

(4) The term “Cyclical unemployment” refers to:
[A] Disguised unemployment
[B] Voluntary unemployment
[C] Seasonal unemployment
[D] Unemployment during recessionary phase of a trade cycle


Answer: Option [D]

The term “Cyclical unemployment” refers to Unemployment during recessionary phase of a trade cycle. Cyclical unemployment is the component of overall unemployment that results directly from cycles of economic upturn and downturn. Unemployment typically rises during recessions and declines during economic expansions.

(5) Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana aims at:
[A] Establishing small industries in rural areas
[B] Alleviating poverty through micro-enterprises
[C] Strengthening the Panchayati Raj System in rural areas
[D] Meeting rural needs like Primary education; health care, drinking water, housing, rural roads


Answer: Option [D]

Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana aims at meeting rural needs like Primary education; health care, drinking water, housing, rural roads. PMGY was launched in 2000-2001 in all States and Union Territories (UTs) in order to achieve the objective of sustainable human development at the village level. PMGY initially had five components viz., primary health, primary education, rural shelter, rural drinking water and nutrition.

(6) The main objective of Antyodaya programme is:
[A] Uplift the poor
[B] Uplift the farmer
[C] Uplift the urban poor
[D] Uplift the landless labour


Answer: Option [A]

The main objective of Antyodaya programme is Uplift the poor. The Government of India implemented an overarching scheme named as 'Deen Dayal Antyodaya Yojana – DAY' for the uplift of urban and rural poor through enhancement of livelihood opportunities through skill development and other means.

(7) Operation Blackboard aims at:
[A] Providing education to urban slum dwellers
[B] Promoting adult literacy
[C] Opening of new schools specially for female children
[D] Providing primary education in an educationally backward area


Answer: Option [D]

Operation Blackboard aims at Providing primary education in an educationally backward area. The objective of the scheme is providing students studying in primary settings with the necessary institutional equipment and instructional material to facilitate their education.

(8) Who amongst the following can take benefit of the Social Security Fund established by the Govt. of India for unorganized workers ?
[A] Rickshaw Puller
[B] Clerk in a factory
[C] Textile Mazdoor
[D] None of the above


Answer: Option [A]

The correct answer is Rickshaw Puller. Rikshaw Puller can take benefit of the Social Security Fund established by the Government of India for unorganized workers. Rikshaw pullers are the workers of the unorganized sector as they do not have the fixed employment terms. Hence, they can take benefit of the Social Security Fund.

(9) Poverty in less developed countries is large because of:
[A] Lack of intelligence of the people
[B] Lack of cultural activities
[C] Income inequality
[D] Voluntary idleness


Answer: Option [C]

Poverty in less developed countries is large because of Income inequality. According to the World Population review, it is the measure of the distribution of wealth between the richest of the richest and the poorest of the poor. Income inequality is an important dimension of social classification.

(10) Which of the following is NOT an economic empowerment scheme launched by the Govt. of India for the benefit of various sections of society ?
[A] Swadhar
[D] Swayamsidha


Answer: Option [C]

The correct answer is KALPANA-1.

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