
World Organisations Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

(1) The headquarters of IMF and World Bank are located at :
[A] Geneva and Montreal
[B] Geneva and Vienna
[C] New York and Geneva
[D] Washington


Answer: Option [D]

The headquarters of IMF and World Bank are located at Washington, D.C. .

(2) Voting rights in the IMF are determined on the basis of :
[A] one country, one vote
[B] size of the economy
[C] proportion to contributions given by each country
[D] proportion to quota alloted to countries from time to time


Answer: Option [D]

Voting rights in the IMF are determined on the basis of proportion to quota alloted to countries from time to time. So, voting rights in the IMF are distributed on the basis of proportion to quota allotted to countries from time to time. The votes of each member equal the sum of its basic votes (equally distributed among all members) and quota-based votes, so that a member's quota determines its voting power.

(3) “World development Report” is an annual publication of :
[A] World Bank
[B] International Bank of Reconstruction and Development
[C] World Trade Organisation
[D] International Monetary Fund


Answer: Option [A]

“World development Report” is an annual publication of World Bank. The World Bank's World Development Report, published annually since 1978, is an invaluable guide to the economic, social, and environmental state of the world today.

(4) Which one of the following is not a member of Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)?
[A] Algeria
[B] Brazil
[C] Ecuador
[D] Nigeria


Answer: Option [B]

The correct answer is Brazil. OPEC was founded on 14th September 1960. OPEC is an organization of 14 world's major oil-exporting nations. Current OPEC members are Algeria, Angola, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, the Republic of the Congo, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Venezuela. Meanwhile, Ecuador, Indonesia and Qatar are former OPEC members.

(5) Which of the following countries is not a member of SAARC ?
[A] Bhutan
[B] India
[C] Thailand
[D] Maldives


Answer: Option [C]

The correct answer is Thailand. SAARC has eight member countries (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri-Lanka).

(6) Which country is the largest debtor of UNO ?
[A] India
[B] China
[C] Japan


Answer: Option [D]

The correct answer is USA.

(7) Special Drawing Rights is also known as :
[A] Gold
[B] Paper gold
[C] Paper silver
[D] None of these


Answer: Option [B]

The correct answer is Paper gold. Special Drawing Rights is also known as Paper gold. An SDR is called paper gold because at the time of its creation it was viewed as an asset that could act as a reserve asset that would supplement gold reserves and other currencies, thus the name, paper gold.

(8) G-77 summit is a forum for :
[A] North-South Cooperation
[B] East-West Cooperation
[C] South-South Cooperation
[D] North-North cooperation


Answer: Option [A]

G-77 summit is a forum for North-South Cooperation. The Group of 77 is the largest intergovernmental organization of developing countries in the United Nations, which provides the means for the countries of the South to articulate and promote their collective economic interests and enhance their joint negotiating capacity on all major international economic issues , Group of 77 (G-77), loose alliance of developing countries established on June 15, 1964.

(9) The headquarters of World Trade Organisation is in :
[A] Montreal
[B] Seattle
[C] Geneva
[D] The Hague


Answer: Option [C]

The headquarters of World Trade Organisation is in Geneva. Geneva, Switzerland, where the WTO headquarters is located, is a unique place, with many United Nations and other international organizations, as well as missions to the WTO.

(10) The headquarters of OPEC is located at
[A] Vienna
[B] Kuwait City
[C] Algeria
[D] Tehran


Answer: Option [A]

The headquarters of OPEC is located at Vienna. The OPEC Secretariat is the executive organ of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). Located in Vienna, it also functions as the Headquarters of the Organization, in accordance with the provisions of the OPEC Statute.

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