
Banking System and Capital Market - MCQs with Answers

(1) Which of the following rural bank is named after a river ?
[A] Prathama Bank
[B] Varada Grameen Bank
[C] Thar Anchalik Grameen Bank
[D] Aravali Kshetriya Grameen Bank


Answer: Option [B]

The correct answer is Varada Grameen Bank. Varada Grameena Bank is a Regional Rural Bank (RRB) named after the Wardha River which is one of the biggest rivers in Vidarbha region in India.

(2) What is Scheduled Bank in India ?
[A] It is included in the II Schedule of Banking Regulation Act.
[B] It is included in the II Schedule of Constitution
[C] It is included in the II Schedule of Reserve Bank of India Act
[D] None of these above


Answer: Option [C]

The correct answer is it is included in the II Schedule of Reserve Bank of India Act. Scheduled Banks in India refer to those banks which have been included in the Second Schedule of Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934.

(3) What is the animal on the insignia of the RBI ?
[A] Lion
[B] Tiger
[C] Panther
[D] Elephant


Answer: Option [B]

The correct answer is Tiger. The East India Company Double Mohur, with the sketch of the Lion and Palm Tree, was found most suitable; however, it was decided to replace the lion by the tiger, the latter being regarded as the more characteristic animal of India. The Board of Directors, on February 23, 1935, approved the design of the RBI seal.

(4) For regulation and development of the insurance sector of the country the Government has formed :
[B] Reserve Bank of India
[C] Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
[D] General Insurance Corporation


Answer: Option [C]

For regulation of insurance trade in the country the Government has formed Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority(IRDAI) in 1999.

(5) The number of Banks nationalised since 1969 is :
[A] 8
[B] 12
[C] 14
[D] 20


Answer: Option [C]

The number of Banks nationalised since 1969 is 14. On the midnight of July 19, 1969, Indira Gandhi's government nationalised 14 banks, each with reserves of more than Rs. 50 crore.

(6) Which of the following is the Banker's Bank :


Answer: Option [B]

The correct answer is RBI (Reserve Bank Of India). In India, Reserve Bank Of India or RBI is known as the banker's bank. It is so called because it acts as a bank for all the commercial banks in India. RBI holds their cash reserves, lends them short -term funds and provides them the central clearing and remittances facilities.

(7) What is the largest Public Sector Bank in India ?
[A] Central Bank
[C] Punjab National Bank
[D] None of these above


Answer: Option [B]

The correct answer is SBI. State Bank of India is an Indian multinational public sector bank. It is a government-owned corporation with its headquarters in Mumbai, Maharashtra. SBI is the largest public sector bank in India and Asia and one of the largest in the world.

(8) In which year the Reserve Bank of India was taken over by the Government ?
[A] 1945
[B] 1949
[C] 1952
[D] 1956


Answer: Option [B]

The correct answer is 1949. The Reserve Bank of India was nationalised with effect from 1st January, 1949 on the basis of the Reserve Bank of India (Transfer to Public Ownership) Act, 1948. All shares in the capital of the Bank were deemed transferred to the Central Government on payment of a suitable compensation.

(9) In Capital Market SRO stands for :
[A] Self-Regulatory Organisations
[B] Small Revenue Operations
[C] Securities Roll-back Operations
[D] Securities Regulatory Organisations


Answer: Option [A]

The correct answer is Self-Regulatory Organisations. A self-regulatory organization is an organization that exercises some degree of regulatory authority over an industry or profession.

(10) Terms Bull market and Bear market is associated with which branch of commercial activity ?
[A] Foreign Trade
[B] Banking
[C] Share Market
[D] Manufacturing


Answer: Option [C]

The correct answer is Share Market.

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