
Organic Chemistry Questions and Answers – Infrared Spectroscopy – 1 | Organic Chemistry Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

(1) What is the relation between restoring force, f to the displacement q in Hooke’s law?
[A] f = -kq
[B] f = kq
[C] f = kq2
[D] f = -kq2
Answer: f = -kq
(2) The intensity of an absorption band is always proportional to which of the following factor?
[A] Atomic population
[B] Molecular population of the initial state
[C] Molecular population of the final state
[D] Temperature
Answer: Molecular population of the initial state
(3) On which factors the vibrational stretching frequency of diatomic molecule depend?
[A] Force constant
[B] Atomic population
[C] Temperature
[D] Magnetic field
Answer: Force constant
(4) In which unit Force constant is not expressed?
[A] Dynes cm-1
[B] dyne Å-1
[C] Nm-1
[D] kp
Answer: kp
(5) For HCI = 1.63 x 10-27 kg, the observed frequency = 2890 or v = 8.67 x 1013 Hz. What is the force constant K?
[A] 4.83 m dyn Å-1
[B] 8.43 dynes cm-1
[C] 483 μm-1
[D] 4.83 dyn Å-1
Answer: 4.83 m dyn Å-1
(6) Since the nuclei in a polyatomic molecule do not always vibrate in a simple harmonic manner, there arises which of the following situation?
[A] Harmonicity
[B] Anharmonicity in molecular vibrations
[C] Fundamental frequencies
[D] Infrared
Answer: Harmonicity
(7) The vibrations, without a center of symmetry are active in which of the following region?
[A] Infrared but inactive in Raman
[B] Raman but inactive in IR
[C] Raman and IR
[D] Inactive in both Raman and IR
Answer: Raman and IR
(8) The frequency of vibration of a bond is a function of which factor?
[A] Force constant of the bond
[B] Masses of the atoms involved in bonding
[C] Force constant of the bond and Masses of the atoms
[D] Bond order
Answer: Force constant of the bond and Masses of the atoms
(9) What is the order of decreasing vibrational frequency for C — Cl, C — Br, C — C, C — O and C — H?
[A] C-H, C-C, C-O, C- Cl, C-Br
[B] C- Cl, C-Br, C-C, C -H, C-O
[C] C-O, C-H, C-Br, C- Cl, C-C
[D] C-Br, C- Cl, C-C, C-O, C-H
Answer: C-H, C-C, C-O, C- Cl, C-Br
(10) What is the correct increasing order of stretching frequencies for C ≡ C, C = C and C — C?
[A] C — C > C = C > C ≡ C
[B] C ≡ C > C = C > C — C
[C] C — C > C = C < C ≡ C
[D] C ≡ C < C — C > C = C
Answer: C ≡ C > C = C > C — C