
Organic Chemistry Questions and Answers – Nomenclature | Organic Chemistry Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

(1) Saturated hydrocarbons are otherwise referred as ________________
[A] Alkanes
[B] Alkenes
[C] Alkynes
[D] Alkaloids
Answer: Alkanes
(2) Identify the correct alkane name for the molecular formula C30H62.
[A] Propdecane
[B] Eicosane
[C] Triacontane
[D] Dodecane
Answer: Triacontane
(3) Identify the smallest alkane which can form a ring structure (cycloalkane)?
[A] Cyclomethane
[B] Methane
[C] Cyclopropane
[D] Propane
Answer: Cyclopropane
(4) In which among the following alkane, a carbon atom is displaced so as to form a compactly structure with the resemblance of a butterfly wing?
[A] Cyclopropane
[B] Cyclobutane
[C] Cyclopentane
[D] Cyclohexane
Answer: Cyclobutane
(5) The first step in IUPAC nomenclature is to identify the total number of carbon atoms present in the compound.
[A] True
[B] False
Answer: False
(6) The substituent in the chain is named by replacing the “ane” in the alkanes by _________
[A] ene
[B] ic
[C] one
[D] yl
Answer: yl
(7) The C=C bond in the chain of the compound considered is shown by _________
[A] Specifying the number of carbon atoms associated with the bond
[B] Specifying the number of carbon atoms at beginning of the C=C bond
[C] Specifying the number of carbon atoms at end of the C=C bond
[D] Specifying the number of carbon atoms in the entire chain
Answer: Specifying the number of carbon atoms at beginning of the C=C bond
(8) Dienes are the name given to compounds with _________
[A] Exactly a double bond
[B] Exactly a triple bond
[C] Exactly two double bond
[D] More than two double bond
Answer: Exactly two double bond
(9) Triple bond with two carbon atoms on either side is called _________
[A] Methnyl group
[B] Ethynyl group
[C] Propionyl group
[D] Propargyl group
Answer: Ethynyl group
(10) The substituent groups that are commonly associated with benzene ring are _________
[A] Phenyl and benzyl
[B] Propyl and phenyl
[C] Methyl and benzyl
[D] Butyl and phenyl
Answer: Phenyl and benzyl