
Organic Chemistry Multiple Choice Questions and Answers – Nuclear Magnetic Resonance – 1

(1) Which of the following organic compound with molecular formula C3H C12 exhibits only one signal in the IH NMR spectrum?
[A] 2, 2-dichloropropane
[B] 1, 2-dichloropropane
[C] 1, 3-dichloropropane
[D] 1, 1-dichloropropane
Answer: 2, 2-dichloropropane
(2) The 1H NMR spectrum of CH3OCHCICH2Cl will exhibit ________
[A] A three proton doublet. One proton singlet and a two proton doublet
[B] A three proton singlet. One proton singlet and a two proton doublet
[C] A three proton singlet. One proton triplet and a two proton doublet
[D] A three proton triplet. One proton triplet and a two proton triplet
Answer: A three proton singlet. One proton triplet and a two proton doublet
(3) Which of the following 1H-NMR spectrum of compound with molecular formula C4H9NO2 shows delta 5.30 (broad, IH), 4.10(q, 2H), 2.80 (d, 3H), 1.20 (t, 3H) ppm?
(4) Which of the following has three types of hydrogens in the following compounds?
[A] Br-CH = CH2
[B] CH3 – CH2 – CH3
[C] C6H5CH2
[D] CH3– CH2 – CH(CH3) – N02
Answer: Br-CH = CH2
(5) Which of the compound show only one signal is present in the PMR spectra?
[A] C3H4, C3H6
[B] C4H6, C5H12
[C] C8H18, C2H6O
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: All of the mentioned
(6) How many Hertz does 1 ppm correspond to for an PMR spectrometer operating at a radio frequency of 60 MHz and 100 MHz?
[A] 6 Hz, 10 Hz
[B] 60 Hz, 100 Hz
[C] 100 Hz, 60 Hz
[D] 10Hz, 100Hz
Answer: 60 Hz, 100 Hz
(7) Compound C4H10O gave PMR spectrum consisting of two groups of lines (multiplets) with relative intensities in the ratio 3 : 2. Other compound of the same formula exhibited two lines with relative area of 9 : 1. What are these compounds.
[A] Diethyl ether and n-butanol
[B] t-Butyl alcohol and 1-Methoxypropane
[C] diethyl ether and t-Butyl alcohol
[D] Diethyl ether and 2-Methoxypropane
Answer: diethyl ether and t-Butyl alcohol
(8) The distance between the centers of the peaks of doublet is called as?
[A] Coupling constant
[B] Spin constant
[C] Spin-spin coupling
[D] Chemical shift
Answer: Coupling constant
(9) H2, CH4, C2H6 and C6H6 exhibit which PMR spectra?
[A] Singlet
[B] Doublet
[C] Triplet
[D] Quintet
Answer: Singlet
(10) A proton Hb is coupled to four equivalent protons Ha. The multiplicity and the relative intensity of lines in the signal Hb is?
[A] Doublet, I : 4
[B] Triplet, I : 4 : 6
[C] Quintet, 1 : 4 : 6 : 4 : 1
[D] Quartet, 1 : 4 : 6 : 4
Answer: Quintet, 1 : 4 : 6 : 4 : 1