Basic cloud programming Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs)& Answers

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641 ___________ is storage data interchange interface for stored data objects?
D All of the mentioned

Answer: OCCI
642 Choice the correct statement.
A To determine whether your application will port successfully, you should perform a functionality mapping exercise
B Cloud computing supports some application features better than others
C Cloud bursting is an overflow solution that clones the application to the cloud and directs traffic to the cloud during times of high traffic
D All of the mentioned

Answer: All of the mentioned
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643 Which of the following data represents more than 50 percent of the data created every day.
A Shadow
B Light
C Dark
D All of the mentioned

Answer: Shadow
644 Cloud storage data usage in the year 2020 is estimated to be _____________ percent resident by IDC.
A 10
B 15
C 20
D None of the mentioned

Answer: None of the mentioned
645 Choice the wrong statement.
A Some APIs are both exposed as SOAP and REST
B The role of a cloud vendor specific API has impact on porting an application
C There are mainly three types of cloud storage
D None of the mentioned

Answer: There are mainly three types of cloud storage
646 _____________ system does not provision storage to most users?
A PaaS
B IaaS
C CaaS
D SaaS

Answer: IaaS
647 The addition of a software package on top of a cloud storage volume makes most cloud storage offerings conform to a ________ as a Service model.
A Software
B Platform
C Analytics
D None of the mentioned

Answer: Software
648 How many categories of storage devices broadly exist in cloud?
A 1
B 2
C 3
D None of the mentioned

Answer: None of the mentioned
649 _______________ storage devices exposes its storage to clients as Raw storage that can be partitioned to create volumes?
A block
B file
C disk
D all of the mentioned

Answer: block
650 ______________ impose additional overhead on clients and offer faster transfer?
A Block storage
B File Storage
C File Server
D All of the mentioned

Answer: Block storage
651 ______________ cloud storage is mainly meant for developers and to support applications built using Web services?
A Managed
B Unmanaged
C Disk
D All of the mentioned

Answer: Managed
652 Choice the correct statement.
A Cloud storage may be broadly categorized into four major classes of storage
B In unmanaged storage, the storage service provider makes storage capacity available to users
C In managed storage, the storage service provider makes storage capacity available to users
D All of the mentioned

Answer: In unmanaged storage, the storage service provider makes storage capacity available to users
653 __________ is the form of unmanaged cloud storage?
A XDrive
B OmniDrive
C iDrive
D All of the mentioned

Answer: All of the mentioned
654 _______________ is an example of an unmanaged storage utility set up to do automated backups?
A XDrive
B OmniDrive
C FreeDrive
D All of the mentioned

Answer: All of the mentioned
655 Choice the wrong statement.
A Unmanaged storage is reliable
B Managed storage is relatively cheap to use
C Most of the user-based applications that work with cloud storage are of unmanaged type
D None of the mentioned

Answer: Managed storage is relatively cheap to use
656 _____________ factors led to the demise of many of the early SSPs and to many hosted file services?
A The bust in 2000
B The inability of file-hosting companies to successfully monetize online storage
C The continued commoditization of large disk drives
D All of the mentioned

Answer: All of the mentioned
657 ___________ is the simplest unmanaged cloud storage device?
A file transfer utility
B antivirus utility
C online image utility
D none of the mentioned

Answer: file transfer utility
658 The service FreeDrive is storage that allows ________ users to view the content of others.
A Facebook
B Twitter
C Whatsapp
D None of the mentioned

Answer: Facebook
659 _____________ file transfer utility creates a shared folder metaphor using a Web service?
A Dropbox
B Skype
C Drive
D All of the mentioned

Answer: Dropbox
660 ____________ offers Storage size of 10GB free t0 100 GB paid?
A Adrive
B 4shared
C Badongo
D All of the mentioned

Answer: 4shared
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