Cloud programming Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs)& Answers

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481 Choice the correct answer Which service provider provides the highest level of service?
A SaaS
B PaaS
C IaaS
D All of the mentioned

Answer: SaaS
482 Point out the correct statement.
A PaaS supplies the infrastructure
B IaaS adds application development frameworks, transactions, and control structures
C SaaS is an operating environment with applications, management, and the user interface
D All of the mentioned

Answer: REST stands for Representational State Transfer
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483 Which of the following functional cloud computing hardware/software stack is the Cloud Reference Model?
D All of the mentioned

Answer: CSA
484 For the _________ model, the security boundary may be defined for the vendor to include the software framework and middleware layer.
A SaaS
B PaaS
C IaaS
D All of the mentioned

Answer: PaaS
485 Point out the wrong statement.
A Each different type of cloud service delivery model creates a security boundary
B Any security mechanism below the security boundary must be built into the system
C Any security mechanism above the security boundary must be maintained by the customer
D All of the mentioned

Answer: All of the mentioned
486 __________ model allows vendor to provide security as part of the Service Level Agreement?
A SaaS
B PaaS
C IaaS
D All of the mentioned

Answer: SaaS
487 Which of the following cloud does not require mapping?
A Public
B Private
C Hybrid
D None of the mentioned

Answer: Public
488 ____________ service model is owned in terms of infrastructure by both vendor and customer?
A Public
B Private
C Hybrid
D None of the mentioned

Answer: Hybrid
489 Which of the following model type is not trusted in terms of security?
A Public
B Private
C Hybrid
D None of the mentioned

Answer: Public
490 Which of the following has infrastructure security managed and owned by the vendor?
A Hybrid
B Private/Community
C Public
D None of the mentioned

Answer: Private/Community
491 ___________ is a compliance standard?
D All of the mentioned

Answer: All of the mentioned
492 Point out the correct statement.
A The cloud service model you choose does not determine the variety of security features, compliance auditing, and other requirements
B To determine the particular security mechanisms you need, you must perform a mapping of the particular cloud service model to the particular application you are deploying
C A security control model includes the security that you normally use for your applications only
D All of the mentioned

Answer: To determine the particular security mechanisms you need, you must perform a mapping of the particular cloud service model to the particular application you are deploying
493 _________ is a key mechanism for protecting data?
A Access control
B Auditing
C Authentication
D All of the mentioned

Answer: PaaS
494 How many security accounts per client is provided by Microsoft?
A 1
B 3
C 5
D 7

Answer: 5
495 Point out the wrong statement.
A Securing data sent to, received from, and stored in the cloud is the single largest security concern
B The problem with the data you store in the cloud is that it can be located anywhere in the cloud service provider’s system
C One and only approach to isolating storage in the cloud from direct client access is to create layered access to the data
D All of the mentioned

Answer: One and only approach to isolating storage in the cloud from direct client access is to create layered access to the data
496 Which of the following are a common means for losing encrypted data?
A lose the keys
B lose the encryption standard
C lose the account
D all of the mentioned

Answer: lose the keys
497 ____________ is the standard for interoperable cloud-based key management?
D None of the mentioned

Answer: KMIP
498 Which of the following was one of the weaker aspects of early cloud computing service offerings?
A Logging
B Integrity checking
C Consistency checking
D None of the mentioned

Answer: Logging
499 Choice correct answer which is one of the most actively developing and important areas of cloud computing technology?
A Logging
B Logging
C Regulatory compliance
D None of the mentioned

Answer: Regulatory compliance
500 Amazon Web Services supports which of the following Type II Audits.
C SAS702
D None of the mentioned

Answer: SAS70
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