Objective type Questions(OTQs)& Answers on Cloud programming

Sports GK Questions and Answers 2024 (Latest Updated)

Awards & Honours GK Questions 2024 (Latest Updated)

401 Which of the following is a version of Hyper-V that runs on Windows Server 2008?
A Fabric
B Application
C Virtual Machines
D All of the mentioned

Answer: Fabric
402 Point out the wrong statement.
A Stored data can be read using GETs
B Stored data can be written with RETRIEVE
C Stored data can be modified with POSTs
D None of the mentioned

Answer: Stored data can be written with RETRIEVE
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403 A particular set of endpoints and its associated Access Control rules for an application is referred to as the _______________
A service namespace
B service rules
C service agents
D all of the mentioned

Answer: service namespace
404 Which of the following was formerly called Microsoft .NET Services?
A AppFabric
D All of the mentioned

Answer: AppFabric
405 Point out the correct statement.
A Azure AppFabric is a Service Bus and Access Control facility
B Azure AppFabric supports the standard Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) protocols such as REST and SOAP and the WS-protocols
C The function of a service bus in an SOA is to expose distributed services as an endpoint with a specific URI
D All of the mentioned

Answer: All of the mentioned
406 The _________ portion of Azure AppFabric is a claims access control system that provides a token-based trust mechanism for identity management.
A Web Control
B Server Control
C Access Control
D All of the mentioned

Answer: Access Control
407 Which of the following is used to negotiate the exchange of information between a client and the service?
A Compute Bus
B Application Bus
C Storage Bus
D Service Bus

Answer: Service Bus
408 Which of the following can be used to create distributed systems based on SOA?
A Passive Directory Federation Services
B Application Directory Federation Services
C Active Directory Federation Services
D None of the mentioned

Answer: Active Directory Federation Services
409 Windows Server AppFabric enables Web data caching for application data and provides managed services using ___________Foundation and Windows Communication.
A Windowsflow
B WindowsWorkflow
C WindowsWorkflowApp
D All of the mentioned

Answer: WindowsWorkflow
410 What does the term ‘immutable’ means in term of string objects?
A We can modify characters included in the string
B We cannot modify characters contained in the string
C We cannot perform various operation of comparison, inserting, appending etc
D None of the mentioned

Answer: We cannot modify characters contained in the string
411 Which of the following are a worldwide content caching and delivery system for Windows Azure blob content?
D All of the mentioned

Answer: CDN
412 Point out the wrong statement.
A Any storage account can be enabled for CDN
B The CDN service searches that location and serves the content
C Stored data can be removed with DELETE request
D None of the mentioned

Answer: None of the mentioned
413 SQL Azure is a cloud-based relational database service that is based on ____________
A Oracle
B SQL Server
D All of the mentioned

Answer: SQL Server
414 Which of the following was formerly called SQL Server Data Service?
A AppFabric
B SQL Azure
D All of the mentioned

Answer: SQL Azure
415 Point out the correct statement.
A Data stored in an SQL Azure database is accessed using the Columnar Data Stream (CDS) protocol
B There is a current limit of 1TB for each SQL Azure Database
C Queries against multiple databases are unified
D All of the mentioned

Answer: There is a current limit of 1TB for each SQL Azure Database
416 Azure data is replicated ________ times for data protection and writes are checked for consistency.
A one
B two
C three
D all of the mentioned

Answer: three
417 SQL Azure Database looks like and behaves like a local database with a few exceptions like _____________
D All of the mentioned

Answer: CLR
418 Which of the following Azure edition has storage up to 10GB database?
A Web
B Business
C Standard
D None of the mentioned

Answer: Business
419 Microsoft offers a _______ calculator for the Windows Azure Platform.
D All of the mentioned

Answer: TCO
420 The connection between storage and Microsoft’s Content Delivery Network is stated to be at least _______ percent uptime.
A 90
B 95
C 99.9
D None of the mentioned

Answer: 99.9
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