cloud programming Objective type Questions(MCQs)& Answers

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681 Which of the following factors are deemed to be important considerations for evaluating cloud solutions?
A Seamless maintenance and upgrades
B Performance characteristics
C Client self-service
D All of the mentioned

Answer: All of the mentioned
682 Point out the correct statement.
A QoS levels may be applied to different services against a single virtual storage container
B An SLA might specify that a particular Quality of Service (QoS) for a virtual storage container may be measured in terms of the I/O per second
C To provide for scaling, a virtual storage container must be easily migrated from one storage system to another
D All of the mentioned

Answer: All of the mentioned
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683 Which of the following figure is correct according to categories shown?
A cloud-computing-questions-answers-cloud-backup-solutions-q3a
B cloud-computing-questions-answers-cloud-backup-solutions-q3b
C cloud-computing-questions-answers-cloud-backup-solutions-q3c
D All of the mentioned

Answer: cloud-computing-questions-answers-cloud-backup-solutions-q3b
684 How many categories of backup exist in cloud storage?
A 3
B 4
C 5
D None of the mentioned

Answer: None of the mentioned
685 Point out the wrong statement.
A To scale in, the service must allow for stored data to span additional storage systems
B To scale up, the service must allow for more disks and more spindles to be provisioned
C To increase the capacity of a storage provision, it is necessary to provide the capability to scale up or scale out across storage systems
D None of the mentioned

Answer: To scale in, the service must allow for stored data to span additional storage systems
686 ____________ is not a backup category?
A Full system backup
B Half system backup
C Image backup
D All of the mentioned

Answer: Half system backup
687 Which of the following backup is also referred to as snapshots?
A Point-in-time
B Differential
C Image backup
D All of the mentioned

Answer: Point-in-time
688 Which of the following software supplies full system backup?
A Carbonite
B Ghost
D All of the mentioned

Answer: Ghost
689 Which of the following backup lets you restore your data to a point in time and saves multiple copies of any file that has been changed?
A Point-in-time
B Differential
C Reverse backup
D None of the mentioned

Answer: Point-in-time
690 The amount of time needed to backup a system is referred to as its _______________
A backup time
B backup sheet
C backup window
D all of the mentioned

Answer: backup window
691 Which of the following flag is used by backup software to specify whether a file should be backed up or not?
A archive bit
B passive bit
C active bit
D All of the mentioned

Answer: archive bit
692 Point out the correct statement.
A To create an image backup of an active system, you may need to stop all application
B To create an incremental backup of an active system, you may need to stop all applications
C Differential backup allows a system to do what is referred to as a bare metal restore
D All of the mentioned

Answer: To create an image backup of an active system, you may need to stop all application
693 _____________ backups are faster and more efficient from a storage perspective?
A Point-in-time
B Incremental
C Reverse Delta backup
D All of the mentioned

Answer: Incremental
694 Which of the following backups creates a full backup first and then periodically synchronizes the full copy with the live version?
A Continuous Data Protection
B Caching
C Reverse Delta backup
D None of the mentioned

Answer: Reverse Delta backup
695 Point out the wrong statement.
A To scale out, the service must allow for stored data to span additional storage systems
B The data is backed up, and then every so often changes are amended to the backup creating is referred to as an incremental backup
C A differential backup is related to a full system backup
D None of the mentioned

Answer: A differential backup is related to a full system backup
696 ____________ backup is used by Appleā€™s Time Machine?
A Continuous Data Protection
B Open file backup
C Reverse Delta backup
D Mirroring

Answer: Reverse Delta backup
697 Which of the following backup create a cloned copy of your current data or drive?
A Continuous Data Protection
B Open file backup
C Reverse Delta backup
D None of the mentioned

Answer: Continuous Data Protection
698 Which of the following backup systems are expensive and highly customized to a particular application such as SQL Server?
A Continuous Data Protection
B Open file backup
C Reverse Delta backup
D Data archival

Answer: Open file backup
699 ____________ is useful for legal compliance or to provide a long-term historical record?
A Continuous Data Protection
B Open file backup
C Reverse Delta backup
D Data archival

Answer: Data archival
700 Which of the following is used to specify the migration of data that is no longer in use to tertiary long-term data storage for retention?
A replicating
B scaling
C archiving
D all of the mentioned

Answer: archiving
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