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Download in pdf multiple choice questions(mcqs) & answers on Banking System and Capital Market. These general awareness quiz objective questions answers include mcqs on Regional Rural Banks, Letter of Credit etc.
EXIM Bank was set-up in:
Answer: Option [B]
The correct answer is 1982. Exim Bank was established by the Government of India, under the Export-Import Bank of India Act, 1981 as a purveyor of export credit, mirroring global Export Credit Agencies. The Bank commenced its operations in March 1982.
Which of the following best defines the term ‘Letter of Credit’ as used frequently in bank transactions ?
An order from a bank to another bank abroad authorizing the payment of a particular amount to a person named in the letter
An unconditional undertaking given by a bank ensuing the payment of a particular amount to the drawee at a given date
Letter by a bank to a person starting the terms and conditions of the loan sanctioned to him by the bank
Statement showing outstanding deposits and credits of a bank for a particular period
Answer: Option [A]
The correct answer is an order from a bank to another bank abroad authorizing the payment of a particular amount to a person named in the letter. A letter of credit, or a credit letter, is a letter from a bank guaranteeing that a buyer's payment to a seller will be received on time and for the correct amount.
The Imperial Bank of India, in 1955 after nationalization was given the name of:
Indian Overseas Bank
Reserve Bank of India
State Bank of India
Bank of India
Answer: Option [C]
The Imperial Bank of India, in 1955 after nationalization was given the name of State Bank of India. The creation of the State Bank of India in July 1955 followed the passage of the Imperial Bank of India into state ownership. The nationalization of the Imperial Bank represented the culmination of a protracted debate on its role in independent India.
Regional Rural Banks:
I. Have limited area of operation
II. Have free access to liberal refinance facilities from NABARD
III. Are required to lend only to weaker sections
I and III
II and III
I, II and III
Only II
Answer: Option [C]
The correct answer is I, II and III.
The liabilities of a commercial bank are:
I. Time deposits
II. Security holdings
III. Demand deposits
IV. Advances from the central bank
I, II and III
I, III and IV
II and IV
I and III
Answer: Option [B]
The liabilities of a commercial bank are
- Time deposits
- Demand deposits
- Advances from the central bank
Consumer gets maximum satisfaction at the point where
Marginal Utility = Price
Marginal Utility > Price
Marginal Utility < Price
Marginal Cost = Price
Answer: Option [A]
Consumer gets maximum satisfaction at the point where Marginal Utility = Price. A consumer gets maximum satisfaction from his limited income when the marginal utility per rupee spent is equal for all goods.
The equilibrium of a firm under perfect competition will be determined when
Marginal Revenue > Average Cost
Marginal Revenue > Average Revenue
Marginal Revenue = Marginal Cost
Marginal Cost > Average Cost
Answer: Option [C]
The equilibrium of a firm under perfect competition will be determined when Marginal Revenue = Marginal Cost.
Elasticity (e) expressed by the formula 1> e > 0 is
Perfectly elastic
Relatively elastic
Perfectly inelastic
Relatively inelastic
Answer: Option [D]
The correct answer is Relatively inelastic. Elasticity (e) expressed by the formula 1 > e > 0 is relatively inelastic. Elasticity is responsiveness of one variable to a change in another, when other conditions are held constant.
The marginal propensity to consume lies between
0 to 1
0 to ∝
1 to ∝
∝ to ∝
Answer: Option [A]
The marginal propensity to consume lies between 0 to 1. Marginal Propensity to Consume (MPC), is a ratio between change in consumption to change in income. This is the reason it lies between the range 0-1. It simply gives the proportion of addition income and it's consumption by an individual or household.
Exploitation of labour is said to exist when
Wage = Marginal Revenue Product
Wage < Marginal Revenue Product
Wage > Marginal Revenue Product
Marginal Revenue Product = 0
Answer: Option [B]
Exploitation of labour is said to exist when Wage < Marginal Revenue Product. The term "exploitation" is used to denote the payment of wages to labor less than its marginal revenue product. Under monopolistic competition, in this sense all factors are exploited. All firms employ labor until marginal revenue product equals marginal factor cost.