
Marketing Quiz Questions and Answers - GkSeries General Knowledge

(11) Relationship banking is :
[A] call center marketing
[B] relation with marketing persons
[C] relation close clients
[D] relation with bankers and customers for retaining the customers


Answer: Option [D]

Relationship banking is relation with bankers and customers for retaining the customers. Relationship banking is a strategy used by banks to strengthen customer loyalty and provide a single point of service for a range of different products and services.

(12) What is innovation ?
[A] new idea
[B] new raw metarial
[C] new product
[D] all of these


Answer: Option [D]

The correct answer is all of these. Innovation can be a new idea, product or method that is translated into a good or service that creates value or for which customers are willing to pay.

(13) Cash is what type of asset of bank ?
[A] Current
[B] Intangible
[C] Tangible
[D] Fixed


Answer: Option [A]

The correct answer is Current asset. Cash is a current asset and is the first line-item on a company’s balance sheet. Cash is the most liquid type of asset and can be used to easily purchase other assets.

(14) Which of the following is involved with the growth strategies of a company ?
[A] Diversification
[B] Horizontal integration
[C] Vertical integration
[D] All of these


Answer: Option [D]

The correct answer is All of these. Some common growth strategies in business include market penetration, market expansion, product expansion, diversification and acquisition.

(15) Internal marketing means :
[A] marketing inside India
[B] marketing inside company
[C] marketing outside India
[D] none of these


Answer: Option [A]

The correct answer is marketing inside India. Internal marketing is the promotion of a company's objectives, products and services to employees within the organization.

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