
Organic Chemistry Multiple Choice Questions and Answers – Alkanes

(1) Select the incorrect statement regarding alkanes.
[A] It is otherwise known as Paraffin
[B] It is an acyclic saturated hydrocarbon
[C] In alkanes, C-C bonds are single
[D] Alkanes have the general formula CnH2n
Answer: Alkanes have the general formula CnH2n
(2) Identify the simplest alkane.
[A] Methane
[B] Methene
[C] Ethane
[D] Ethene
Answer: Methane
(3) Select the minimum number of carbon atoms, a molecule must possess so as to be regarded as a higher alkane.
[A] 15
[B] 16
[C] 17
[D] 18
Answer: 17
(4) Identify the incorrect statement.
[A] Alkanes with repeated –CH2– units constitute a homologus series
[B] They are very reactive
[C] They have very less biological activity
[D] Petroleum and natural gas are the main sources of alkanes
Answer: They are very reactive
(5) Which among the following is not an alkane isomer with 6 carbon atoms?
[A] Hexane
[B] 2,3-dimethylbutane
[C] 2,2-dimethylbutane
[D] Neopentane
Answer: Neopentane
(6) The other name for branched chain alkanes is _____________
[A] Paraffins
[B] Isoparaffins
[C] Neoparaffins
[D] Naphthenes
Answer: Isoparaffins
(7) Select the incorrect statement regarding the boiling points of alkanes.
[A] Boiling point increases with stronger Vander Waal’s forces
[B] Surface area is the only factor which determines the boiling point of alkane
[C] Boiling point of straight chain alkanes is greater than that of branched chain alkanes
[D] The boiling point of cycloalkanes is always higher than that of linear alkanes
Answer: Surface area is the only factor which determines the boiling point of alkane
(8) Choose the correct statement.
[A] Alkanes have poor conductivity
[B] They form hydrogen bonds
[C] They have good solubility in non polar solvents than polar solvents
[D] Alkanes have less density than that of water
Answer: They form hydrogen bonds
(9) Liquified petroleum gas is mainly composed of _____________
[A] Methane and ethane
[B] Ethane and propane
[C] Propane and butane
[D] Butane and hexane
Answer: Propane and butane
(10) An alkane with 6 carbon atoms will have how many hydrogen atoms?
[A] 11
[B] 12
[C] 13
[D] 14
Answer: 14