
Organic Chemistry Multiple Choice Questions and Answers – Acids and Bases

(1) Which one is correctly matched?
[A] Acids – pH range above7
[B] Acids – pH range below 7
[C] Acids – pH range 7(neutral)
[D] Acids – pH range 8-9
Answer: Acids – pH range below 7
(2) A Strong acid is same as concentrated acid.
[A] False
[B] True
Answer: False
(3) When an acid reacts with a metal, which one of the following gas is usually liberated?
[A] ammonia gas
[B] chlorine
[C] oxygen
[D] Hydrogen gas
Answer: Hydrogen gas
(4) Which of the following is wrongly mapped?
[A] Sodium carbonate – Washing soda
[B] Sodium chloride – common salt
[C] Calcium carbonate – slaked lime
[D] Sodium hydroxide – caustic soda
Answer: Calcium carbonate – slaked lime
(5) What will be the X in the following equation?

MgO + 2HCl —-> X + H2O

[A] Mg2Cl
[B] 2MgCl
[C] MgCl
[D] MgCl2
Answer: MgCl2
(6) Which of the following is neither an acid nor base?
[B] HCl
[C] KCl
Answer: KCl
(7) Which one will change from red litmus to blue?
[A] NaCl
[B] HCl
[D] LiOH
Answer: HCl
(8) What is the pH of 0.0001 molar HCl solution?
[A] 1
[B] 2
[C] 3
[D] 4
Answer: 4
(9) What will be the product when HNO3 reacts with NH4OH?
[A] NH4 NO3
[B] 2NH4 NO3
[C] NH4 (NO3)2
[D] NH2NO3
Answer: NH4 NO3
(10) Find the odd one out.
[A] Neutral salt : NaCl
[B] Acid salt : CuSO4.5H2O
[C] Basic salt: CuCO3.Cu(OH)2
[D] Nonhydrated salt: KNO3
Answer: Acid salt : CuSO4.5H2O