
Anthropology Optional Solved Questions & Answers | GkSeries

95 Who among the following is the father of Indian ethnology?
1 S. C. Roy
2 D. N. Majumdar
3 L. P. Vidyarthi
4 T. N. Madan
Answer: S. C. Roy
96 Which of the following is an exchange practised by the Kwakiutl Indians of north-west coast of North America?
1 Gift
2 Potlatch
3 Kula
4 Shell
Answer: Potlatch
97 In the absence of law, defined in terms of central authority, courts and police, which of the following help in maintaining social order in simple societies?
1 Folkways
2 Customary rules
3 Mores
4 All of the above
Answer: All of the above
98 A rule of residence after marriage according to which the husband leaves his family and goes to reside with the family of his wife is
1 virilocal
2 uxorilocal
3 patrilocal
4 neolocal
Answer: uxorilocal
99 Plural marriages are known as
1 polygyny
2 polygamy
3 bigamy
4 polyandry
Answer: polygamy
100 Who among the following described Ramapithecus in 1934 as a hominid?
1 Simons
2 Lewis
3 Leakey
4 None of them

Answer: Lewis