
Multiple Choice Questions & Answers on APSC Anthropology Optional | GkSeries

31 A well-developed clavicle bone is the characteristic feature of
1 mammals
2 primates
3 birds
4 reptiles
Answer: primates
32 When the centromere is at the terminal end of a chromosome, it is called
1 metacentric
2 submetacentric
3 telocentric
4 acrocentric
Answer: telocentric
33 Risley classified Indian population in the year
1 1915
2 1920
3 1889
4 1931
Answer: 1915
34 Facial prognathism is marked among the
1 Caucasoid
2 Negroid
3 Mongoloid
4 None of the above
Answer: Negroid
35 Stature is a/an
1 polygenic trait
2 autosomal trait
3 monogenic trait
4 Both (A) and (B)
Answer: Both (A) and (B)
36 The earliest racial element of India is the ' ts . IT
1 Protoaustraloid
2 Mongoloid
3 Negrito
4 Mediterranean

Answer: Negrito
37 The youngest phenomenon under the stratigraphy method is represented by
1 middle layer
2 topmost layer
3 lowest layer
4 None of the above

Answer: topmost layer
38 Villafranchian fauna includes the ancestors of modern
1 cow
2 elephant
3 horse
4 All of the above

Answer: All of the above
39 The term "prehistory' was first coined by
1 Putnam
2 Tournal
3 William Robertson
4 Lubbock

Answer: Tournal
40 The metals used in Chalcolithic period aire mainly
1 lead and tin
2 tin and gold
3 copper and tin
4 gold and lead

Answer: copper and tin
41 Sarai Nahar Rai are Mesolithic sites situated in
1 Rajasthan
2 Gujarat
3 Madhya Pradesh
4 Uttar Pradesh

Answer: Uttar Pradesh
42 The proper sequence of periods of Tertiary epoch is
1 Eocene—Oligocene—Miocene— Pliocene
2 Oligocene—Eocene—Miocene— Pliocene
3 Miocene—Pliocene—Oligocene— Eocene
4 Miocene—Pliocene—Eocene— Oligocene

Answer: Eocene—Oligocene—Miocene— Pliocene
43 Planned cities and urban life were first seen in
1 Neolithic culture
2 Indus Valley Civilization
3 Megalithic culture
4 Mesolithic culture

Answer: Indus Valley Civilization
44 The Megalithic monuments in Assam are connected with
1 death rites
2 birth rites
3 fertility rites
4 All of the above

Answer: fertility rites
45 When a positive bulb of percussion is seen in a tool, it can be designated as a
1 core tool
2 flake tool
3 flake hand axe
4 pebble tool

Answer: flake tool