
Anthropology Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams SSC UPSC Railways | GkSeries

46 Belief in supernatural and some rituals and rites was first noticed among the
1 Chalcolithic people
2 Mesolithic people
3 Middle Palaeolithic people
4 Upper Palaeolithic people
Answer: Middle Palaeolithic people
47 Human society was developed during
1 Stone Age
2 Iron Age
3 Copper Age
4 Bronze Age
Answer: Copper Age
48 All of the following generate cultures change, except
1 diffusion
2 discovery
3 ethnocentrism
4 invention
Answer: ethnocentrism
49 Totem is an essential ingredient of
1 clan
2 lineage
3 ancestor
4 family
Answer: clan
50 Remarriage of a widow with her deceased husband's brother is called
1 sororate
2 levirate
3 hypogamy
4 hypergamy
Answer: levirate
51 Filial inheritance is found among the
1 Sema Naga
2 Lotha Naga
3 Ao Naga
4 Rongmai Naga

Answer: Sema Naga
52 The principal primitive tool used in agriculture is
1 sickle
2 digging stick
3 plough
4 hoe

Answer: digging stick
53 The theory of 'animism' was proposed by
1 Emile Durkheim
2 R. R. Marett
3 E. B. Tylor
4 E. A. Hoebel

Answer: E. B. Tylor
54 Haimendorf did his works mainly in
1 Central India
2 South India
3 North India
4 North-East India

Answer: North-East India
55 Articles 330, 332 and 334 of the Constitution recommended for the reservation
1 of protection of civic rights
2 of seats for ST in the Assemblies and the Parliament
3 in the State services
4 None of the above

Answer: of seats for ST in the Assemblies and the Parliament
56 Functionalism is a/an
1 philosophy of life
2 approach to study society and culture
3 doctrine
4 idea depicting interrelatedness

Answer: approach to study society and culture
57 Clan exogamy is practised among the following, except
1 Hmar
2 Naga
3 Kuki
4 Kalita

Answer: Kalita
58 Cultural affiliation with one or both the parents is
1 descent
2 caste
3 tribe
4 clan

Answer: descent
59 When a child learns to obey its cultural traditions in the process of development, it is called
1 transculturation
2 diffusion
3 acculturation
4 None of the above

Answer: None of the above
60 Ceremony related to breaking of a statute is
1 animism
2 imitative magic
3 contagious magic
4 None of the above

Answer: imitative magic