
Objective Questions & Answers for APSC Anthropology Examination | GkSeries

(16) Thermoluminescence is associated with
1 relative dating
2 absolute dating
3 tool type
4 tool technique
Answer: absolute dating
(17) Which one of the following is the earliest Mesolithic site of India?
1 Bagor
2 Guntur
3 Jwalapuram
4 Lagnajh
Answer: Bagor
(18) Who is the author of What Happened in Prehistory?
1 Gordon Childe
2 Stewart Piggot
3 H. D. Sankalia
4 Glyn Daniel
Answer: Gordon Childe
(19) Samples of dendrochronology is taken from which of the following?
1 Lake
2 River
3 Tree
4 Amino acid
Answer: Tree
(20) Three successive cultures prevailed in the Upper Palaeolithic period are
1 Perigordian — Aurignacian — Gravettian
2 Aurignacian — Solutrean — Magdalenian
3 Magdalenian — Perigordian — Gravettian
4 Magdalenian — Mousterian — Levalloisian
Answer: Aurignacian — Solutrean — Magdalenian
(21) Rites symbolizing birth, marriage and death are called
1 initiation rites
2 rites of passage
3 rites of reversal
4 rites of confirmation

Answer: rites of passage
(22) The correct sequence in the descending order of social divisions in tribal society is
1 Family—Clan—Subtribe—Tribe
2 Tribe—Subtribe—Clan—Family
3 Clan—Family—Tribe—Subtribe
4 Subtribe—Tribe—Family—Clan

Answer: Tribe—Subtribe—Clan—Family
(23) Who among the following follow the matrilineal family system?
1 Nairs of Kerala
2 Bhils
3 Kadars
4 Muslims

Answer: Nairs of Kerala
(24) Two or more clans are linked forming only two major groups. They are called
1 phratiy
2 lineage
3 clan
4 moieties

Answer: moieties
(25) Who was the American classical evolutionist?
1 Franz Boas
2 Julian Steward
3 Leslie White
4 L. H. Morgan

Answer: L. H. Morgan
(26) 'Superorganic' is the term associated with
1 Leslie White
2 Alfred L. Kroeber
3 Franz Boas
4 Henry Maine

Answer: Alfred L. Kroeber
(27) Which of the following terms describes the process where the dominant culture is imposed on the subordinate culture?
1 Assimilation
2 Acculturation
3 Enculturation
4 Counterculture

Answer: Acculturation
(28) A Shaman is
1 a witch doctor
2 a ritual specialist
3 a priest
4 a folk performer

Answer: a ritual specialist
(29) Alveolar arch is parabolic in
1 man
2 chimpanzee
3 gorilla
4 orangutan

Answer: man
(30) Primates of the Palaeolithic period resembled
1 lemurs
2 monkeys
3 apes
4 loris

Answer: lemurs